I Will Return To My First Love
You are my Shield…My Strength…My Portion…
My Deliver... My Shelter…Strong Tower…My Very Present Help in time of need.
I remember My First Love.
When I gave You all my heart.
You have made me glad.
I will say of the Lord, You are my Everything. I have all of Your affection.

”Jesus, Come into my heart and forgive me."
I remember that my sins pierced Your side, put the nails in Your hands and the crown of thorns on Your head.
I remember the day my heart cried out and my lips whispered, in desperation of my sinful state…
”Oh Jesus, I Need You. I want You in my Heart. Clean me and make me new.”
Jesus, I felt that Love enter me. I could not move. I did not want to move.
I wanted to stay right there, in that moment.
I did not want the world to come near me.
This world has nothing for me…

You put forgiveness on my head like a crown.
Your Love won my heart.
That day, Lord, You married me.
What a beautiful day…I met my First Love.
You said to my heart,
“My Beloved, Everything I do for you, I do for you because I love you.”

Oh Lord, “Never have I seen this kind of Love,
You keep me in your care and steadfast in Your love.”
I am sorry for what I have done. I am sorry for the sin I commit.

Lord, thank you for making me Your Own.
Lord, I offer All that I am, I am yours.
For I understand You have done much more for me and gave me much more than I deserve.
I return to my First Love, oh Lord. You are My First Love.
You touched my heart and cleansed my spirit.
I am filled with the presence of Your love for me. I can not be moved.
I run to my First Love…I run to You.
I run and lay at Your beautiful feet.
The feet that walked Calvary’s road,
to the cross and right into my heart.
It is where I am complete.
I kiss Your feet of mercy.

I need You Jesus.
My heart is Yours.
No one else will do.
Lord I put my trust in You.
Thank You for coming to my rescue.
Thank You for capturing me with grace.
I will rise and follow You, all the days of my life.
Jesus, You Are My First Love.
Song link, The Lord spoke to my heart for you.....
Made Me Glad, by Hillsong
Kim Wenrich
Psalm 139
Corinthians 5:17
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