My child I see you.
I watch over you with eyes full of love and a heart of pure, unshakable devotion.
Thank You my Lord. For watching over me. I need You more than the air I breath.
Each time I lay my head to rest Lord, I trust in You.
When I rise, though…I sometimes feel very uncertain.
I wake with the world and all it’s cares. Sometimes, I feel so alone.
My Child, I Am with you. The world has it’s burdens.
But I carry everything for you. Keep your eyes on Me.
Look at what I have for you each new day.
Because My Child, you woke up today, as My gift to you.
But what you do with this day, is your gift to Me.

Oh my Father, I praise You with such a gift.
I pray to honor you with this new day and each day you allow me to be in.
You are such a Wonderful Father to me.
I pray to please You today in all I do.

Speak to my petals and cause me not to be bruised so easily and deeply.
My Daughter, I made you to be soft and sensitive.
To show my love gently toward others.
I will be all you need to be, that kind of love and I will pour my spirit over you to give off that sweet fragrance.
I will make you strong on the inside, to be able to do all I have planned for your life. I Am your Father and You belong to Me.
My thoughts never wander away from you, My Child.
Oh Heavenly Father. You are my Healer. You Heal those who call unto Your Great Name.
Nothing misses Your attention.
You have all the details of my life in Your hands of grace and compassion.
You are strength when I am weak.
You are grace, when I am failing. You give mercy, when others do not show it.
You lift me up, so I can fly above the hard situations that suppress me.
All I have to do is trust You and allow You to take care of me.
You Oh my Lord, set my feet to dancing and turn my sorrows to joy.
You make all things beautiful in Your sight and in your perfect time for my life.
Oh Lord, thank You, that I am beautiful to You.
I can hardly comprehend this Love You have for me.
Others, are quick to dismiss those around them.
Others, throw people away and go to another.
Others, judge so harshly and tell those they say they love, what they have to do to be accepted and be called a friend and even to be called family.
But Not You. You accept with no conditions.

You Are The Father to the father-less.
You Love with an Everlasting Love.
You promise there is no condemnation to those who are Yours and Love Your Son.
You Are The Friend that Loves at all times.
You Are Faithful to faithless. Love to the unlovable. Life to the dead.
God heal me so I may be healed.
Restore unto me The Joy of Your Salvation and Renew a right spirit within me.
Keep me sensitive to Your ways. I do not want to have a hard heart.
The world is hard and offers lifeless treasures.
But Oh God, You give Treasures from Heaven, From Your Very Heart to those who are Yours. The Treasures of Life Everlasting.
Those are Treasures that will not fade away or decay.
Things of this world that I hold in my hands, get blown in the wind and disappear.
Even if I try to hold them in a tight fist. They have no value and offer me no life.
I open my hands to you. My selfish and dirty hands…I fully give you my worthless treasures oh God.
I want instead to hold the hands of my Sweet Savior Jesus.

His Hands are clean and are priceless.

His Hands have the scars that carry all the Treasures I could ever want.
His Hands, gave up life for me and offer me new life.
His hands hold The Cup that Overflows with newness, like I have never seen before.
His hands hold Love that can only be captured through Him!
I want to hold His Hands.
Oh My God. My Father. I want to know those hands and all they hold.
I throw myself into Your Arms of Grace and Life.
Capture all that I am.
I give You my heart. Take those broken pieces, those shattered shards of glass that my heart becomes from the experiences of this world…The edges are so terrifying, so sharp,
That they wound my spirit.
Mold me into the image of Your Love.

If I could only imagine the beauty of that Love and the shape you would make my brokenness into!
Jesus Can You Hear Me…Come Heal My Broken Pieces and Be My Father, I Need You.
I can't do this without You.
Take my broken pieces and make me new.
I am in Your Beautiful Hands.
I Need You. I will be fine with You. You will restore me.
My Precious Child, I Am doing new things. I Am raising you up to a greater strength.
I Am your God and I delight to sing songs of Love, Life and Liberty over you.
I Am The One that shows you things you have never seen before.
No Eye has seen, no ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which I have prepared for them that love Me.
All you need to see My Child is on My face. I see you and you are Beautiful.
I see you and You are so Beautiful to Me. Let My Love set you free.
Let Me touch your face and fill your heart.
Come to Me all who are weary and heavy burdened. I will give you rest.

I will refresh you. I Am The Lord God and There is no other.
I created the heavens and the earth. The universe declares My glory.
Do not look to the stars, the heavens or the angels, in which I created.
But Look to Me, I Am The Creator of All Things.
Do not put your trust in no other.
Trust in Me with all of your strength, all your heart and all your might, in all things of your life.
I accept you as you are. There is nothing you can do to earn My Love for you.
I created you in the beginning, before the world even began.
I conceived you in My Heart and gave you a name and purpose.

I gave you My Son, so that you would believe on Him to except the gift of life, healing and liberty.
I love you with a passion. Trust Me.
I have given everything to you, because of Perfect Love.
Kim Wenrich
Psalm 139
Corinthians 5:17
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