If You Can’t Run, Walk, If you Can’t Walk, Crawl
My son, Jonathan is going to start the youth group this Wed. night.
He is very happy about this church.
The Pastor, mostly taught out of Romans and Ephesians this day.
He was talking about Selfless Faith. I was thinking what a good title for a new story! :)
He also said Christians who are not filling their minds with scripture, are like warriors going out to battle without a helmet. Always be prepared.
(I thought about our soldiers that are at war right now, fighting without their helmets.
I thought that, that would be dangerous and foolish of them to do that.)
The Pastor also said, You have to understand your position in Christ. The Word of God is our sword and we should never be without it. The enemies of hell do not want you close to God... or to have a relationship with Him. They scheme against you to take your affections off God and want you to put your affections somewhere else. It is an invisible war. Put on the armor of God and be a strong soldier in the army of the Lord.
I heard once, if you can’t run, walk, if you can’t walk, crawl.
This all may sound radical, but it is not. How deep is your relationship with God? Do you take it seriously?
Is it just there whenever you feel like continuing it?
Do the things in your life, seem to be at the losing end?
Do you talk to Him about the details of your life?
Your job, your car, food, clothes, bills, things that your heart desire, your mate, your friends, relationship problems….whatever that is on your mind and in your heart?
There is more to living, there is also dying.
We are dying everyday. Yesterday is gone. 10 years are gone. 5 years are gone.
Last year is gone.
We have today. This moment.
The Word says, live for today, yesterday is gone and don’t focus on tomorrow with it’s worries and concerns, it has enough problems of its own. Jesus said that.
Why did he say that…? Because He takes care of us. We are not to worry. But He knows that we do worry or He would not have said that. He just wants us to trust Him. Lean on Him.
Our spirit is forever. Because of Jesus Christ. Because of His great love and sacrifice.
Our world is in chaos. But our minds and spirits do not have to be.
God is in control of our chaotic world. We have hope and we have God.
There is no other God like Him. He is great and powerful and also full of love and mercy.
Why is it so hard for us to talk to Him, to give Him all our cares? Why is it so easy to go to other things for comfort and that are not dependable?
I understand this, when I am overwhelmed and upset or hurt….my thoughts turn to food. I have a problem with food like some have problems with drugs and alcohol, sex, tv, gambling. I fight running to food, like people who run to their vices, all the time.
I really have to fight to keep my focus on God in those times…I have to depend on His strength to help me, when I am weak.
Those are times I am crawling. He always gives me a way out. It is always my choice.
I used to weigh 365 lbs. I was killing myself.
All hurt, pain, abuse, trauma in my life, I ate it. Every time someone was hurtful and unkind, mean spirited to me. I ate it. I ate it and I ate it again. I prayed and cried and ran to my addiction for comfort. I ate and cried.
I learned about 10 years ago, how to turn to God instead of food. I learned that He can heal me and give me what I need, that food can not…and what He does for me lasts, where food, when I ate it, made me feel worse yet. I kept fighting it, even though many times I gave into the call of food. And still do.
What feels so hard for me is this, others who have addictions, like drugs and alcohol can live without it.
But people have to eat food. A person can not live without it. I can’t just get it out of my house, like other things. So I have a terrible, lasting fight over food. I can control what food I bring into my home and how I will eat it. I still got to take care of my family, cook for them, feed them. Watch them eat foods I can not eat.
See restaurants everywhere! Everywhere! Walk into a grocery store and smell fresh baked goods each and every time.
Family gatherings, celebrations, every activity that involves getting together with others, there is food!
My God! It is everywhere! I am careful. I walk carefully, like a person walking in a minefield. I am in prayer! I fight the good fight! I try!
Then I prayed for 2 years to have the gastric bypass surgery. I was sure it would save my life…Oh I lost all my weight. It has been 3 years since the surgery.
I never felt good though… I am not well. And my insight of myself never changed. My mind stills sees myself at 365 lbs. I look in the mirror and I don’t see a person, who lost tons of weight. And for the last year, every so slowly, I have gained 30 lbs.
God and I have some work still, to do on me.
What the world offers us is temporary. It doesn’t last. What God offers is everlasting.
It is healing from within and without.
I understand this as truth. I have a story that I wrote some years ago…I feel I need to post it with what I have written to you so far.
It is a profound, deep, spiritual, personal experience.
It is a true spiritual experience that happened between Jesus and myself.
I have sent it out to some family and friends a while back…but I feel it is time to put it on this blog and share it with all of you. I want you to understand how important it is to trust God, in your deepest, darkest times, not just in the good moments of your life. I want you to know you can give Him anything and everything about you.
He will take good care of you.
I am still on my journey and will be until I get to go Home to Heaven. I will fight the good fight and hide His Word in my heart, so that I might not sin against Him. I want to live a life growing in His good ways, His safe ways. Becoming more like Jesus.
When Jonathan was little, he used to say to his dad often, “Dad when I grow up, I want to be just like you!” It made his dad proud and happy to hear Jonathan say that to him. Jonathan even had a t-shirt that said, “When I grow up, I want to be like my dad.” His dad had a t-shirt that said, “When I grow up, I want to be like Jesus.”
At the church we went to this Sunday, there was a song they sung…that really touched me, I quickly got out a pen and paper to write down some words from it.
These are some of those words:
“Take me to that secret place Lord. To that secret place, where I can be with you.
You can make me more like you. Wrap me in your arms.”
This is one of the ways of how I know Him.
He is serious about you. He is personal. He is true and faithful and full of love for you.
This is a true story: It continues to do this day.
Kim’s Journey
I don’t know how to begin. This is about the beginning of my journey.
As I am sitting here, searching my heart for the words I want to express, I am filled with a kind of emotion that there are no words for.
This is what my journey has been like:
I know there is a place I must go to, to be able to continue on.
The walk is hard. I am not sure where I am going.
Along the way, in soft places, I get relief and renewed strength from others who represent truth.
Also on this journey I run into cross roads, detours and even places where there are signs that say dead end or no exit. At some of these places, I get so tired I just want to quit, but deep down inside my soul I feel a strong urge not to give up.
In the shadows of my journey, in the hard places, there are traps set for me, a planning of my end.
As I go farther, getting closer to the place I need to be, every hit is harder than the one before it.
I see where I need to be! I race toward it! I am hit with a terrible, forceful blow. I was not ready for this one. This impact was so hard and so cleverly planned. The force of it takes my breath away. I fall to the ground.
“Is there no one to help me?” I cry. I feel so alone, hurt, tremendously sad and overtaken.
I fall asleep hoping not to wake again.
Gently though, I am awakened.
“Kim, you can get up now. I am here for you and you can do this. Take my hand.”
I struggle to see who it is that is speaking to me with so much assurance.
I look up. All I see is a blur of white light and a form of a hand reaching down to me.
I reach up and take the hand that is offered to me. I instantly realize how comforted I begin to feel. There is a strength and gentleness in this hand. Because of that, I stand. My eyes begin to focus and I see no one with me, but feel sure I am not alone anymore. I feel, able, able to continue on. I walk on. I arrive to the place I need to be.
There I find a chest full of treasure, but instead of just excepting what I see, I look deeper. I need to. I have to. There had been too many deceptive things, forced into my life. I want to understand the truth of things.
I reach in and move pass the jewels that look so beautiful and feel so rough to touch. As I push pass with my hands, I discover the box is deeper than I thought. I feel the sting of the scratches and scraps as I press on. I want to know what is at the bottom. There has got to be something more to this.
The jewels look so inviting. They seem to offer a soft smile that entices you to except their reality.
They misrepresent themselves. I am relieved I understand this.
Suddenly, I feel something soft.
It feels like a rope.
I take a breath and struggle to get a hold of what I can’t see, but only feel.
It is in my fingertips. I am almost frantic.
“I have to get this.” I say with such desperation that it startles me.
I have reached in so deep now my shoulders begin to ache from digging into the sharp, jagged edges of the deception on top.
At last I have it in my hand. I try to pull it up. The weight of all that is there suppresses me.
As I am pulling free, I am becoming more sore and scratched. Finally, I am near the top.
I pull out my prize. I am surprised at what I have. I forget my pain for a moment.
Dangling on the end of a short rope is a mirror the size of my hand.
I lift it to my face and peer in.
“How can this be?” I think out loud.
“I struggled so hard, come all this way and have gone through all this suffering for this?”
“Just for this?” I am deeply saddened.
Then I heard Him. The voice of the one I had heard before.
“Kim, why are you so filled with sorrow?”
I could feel the reality of His compassion for me in His words and I felt compelled to answer.
“My Lord, I was in search of a treasure that would help me live. I am sad because I did not find that treasure. Without it I can not know truth and I can not truly live. My journey ends and it is my spirit that will die.’
“Ahhhh, but you have found it.” “You have found my most valuable treasure!”
He said this with such certainty, as if I had received that very thing that I was seeking.
I didn’t understand. “Please,” I said, “tell me what you mean.”
“You have found you. I want you to see yourself the way I created you to be. The way I see you. I want you to look deeper, not with your earthly eyes, but with the eyes of your heart.”
As He spoke this to me, I began to see more clearly. My reflection started to change. I was seeing things in me I had never seen before.
Tears formed in my eyes and my heart squeezed with the knowledge of what I was seeing.
This was only the beginning.
Kim Wenrich
2 Corinthians 5:17
Psalms 139
I write true and inspirational stories about God in my life. All the seasons of my life. I want to encourage you to know how He cares about you and every detail of your life. I pray before I write. I write with gratitude and thanksgiving for such a wonderful God, who loves me and you so very much. He is my life's breath and I am so in love with my God. I want the stories that I write to reflect the love in my heart for Him and you.

Monday, August 30, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Mountain Climbing With God
Mountain Climbing with God
I was talking to God this morning and reading His Word. As I was reading….I got concerned about something…see I loved what I was reading. I felt so thirsty for the words in my soul.
I wanted every word to be captured in my heart and not forgotten.
When I was younger, in my 20’s and even in my early 30’s, I easily remember anything and everything.
Just that simple. But sometime in my late 30’s, I noticed I was forgetting things…simple things. Like why I went to a particular room in the house. What was it I wanted out of the refrigerator. An even more funnier one is, why was I in the bathroom! It frustrated me and still does. I am now 41. I feel like my brain is turning to squish sometimes. I don’t know if it is age or life just wearing the brain down or that for 41 years I have been using my brain and it is just tired. Who knows. This may sound silly but I pray for my brain.
In the Bible there is are scriptures that tells us, to hide the Word in your heart….to remember the commandments and to teach them to your children and write them on your door posts. There are many scriptures that tell you in the Bible about learning and remembering what you learn. I was wondering….Concerning the things of God, is the remembering from the heart or the brain. I think I will pray for both from now on.
I really want to remember the things I learn about God that are good for my life. I really want to know Him personally. I don’t want to forget. I want everything about my God to be in my life and about my life. Inside and out.
So I asked him this morning to help me keep what I read in His Word and what I learn about him, stirring in me, in my heart, my mind and my spirit.
Some scriptures I was reading this morning, stirred a memory of something my husband said to me a few days ago.
David said, that problems in life are like mountains. After you climb that mountain and solve that problem, there will be another mountain with a problem. We have to climb the mountain to solve the problem. We are to overcome, learn and grow from them. Then we have the valley for rest and peace. But there will be another mountain with another problem. He told me, that is what life is like.
Well, this entered me deeply. I thought on it for a few days. See, I really like the mountains a lot. I live in them, around them. I love to look at them. They are beautiful, majestic, I get good feelings when I look at them. There are so many sizes and shapes too. I was thinking about that. About the sizes and shapes. Mountains can represent problems in our life, even in their sizes and shapes.
But I know too, they represent so much more.
I thought of the mountain climbers. Those that climb them as a hobby. Have you ever seen a picture of a climber on a mountain? I saw one once, where the climber was barely hanging on, but looked very secure at the same time. He didn't have a fearful expression. He looked determined and challenged and sure of the next step. He was looking up, not down.
I think of those climbers, the work involved, the tools that are needed, the wisdom of knowing where to step next, where the dangerous areas are, the unsafe places to put their feet and hands next. They know these things.
They have endurance to keep going and to reach the top. They are dressed and equipped, ready for their climb.
They get to the top and feel exhilarated, exhausted, triumphant, and they know they can fully rest. At the top, it is then they can look around at all that surrounds them. Those things they did not see as they focused on the hard climb up the mountain. If they had looked around as they climbed, if they took their eyes off of the climb, if they became distracted even a little, it could mean falling, getting hurt badly or death. Once they are at the top, that problem is over. They can look around and feel the joy of their accomplishment. Soak in the peace and wonder and rest.
I get that. That is an example of life.
There is a spiritual side to all that. Well really, was there ever not one?
If you belong to God. Everything within you is stronger. The purpose of your life is directed personally for you by Him.
He gives you the strength and endurance, the will to continue on and show you the dangerous places that could cause a fall. He gives you the safe places. He is the author of Peace, rest and contentment and He freely gives it to us. There is nothing we can work at to achieve those things outwardly. They come from the inside of you.
He opens the eyes of our hearts to see His beauty in all things in and around our lives.
I thank God for that. His ways are perfect, without flaw, true and faithful. Full of love and compassion. Special just for you. There is strength in His hand. You are held in the palm of His hand and no one can snatch you away from Him. Nothing can separate you from His love for you. God has given us promises that He is our help. He is everything we need. We can trust Him and lean on Him. We can overcome this mountain and be sure of the rest from Him. We can trust Him with the next mountain as well.
I think what I will do from now on, is look at my mountains differently. I will continue to see it’s beauty and awe, but I will know that it is a hard journey up that mountain, No matter the size and shape. I will seek God for help to get through my problem, to learn from it and to ask Him to show me the rough places and the places I need to avoid, so I can get through it safely and stronger. I will pray in preparation of the next mountain with it problems. So I am ready, just like the professional mountain climbers. I am sure when they climbed their first mountain…they were little scared and excited, maybe even shaky. I am sure they had someone teaching them way before that first climb. Preparing them for that climb, before they even climbed it the very first time. I am sure they were not alone and had a guide along side of them coaching them and telling them what to look out for and where to step next, how to get to the top safely. Why should we be any different…with our God? He is our teacher and guide. The mountain climbers, put their trust in their guide and teacher…why shouldn't we do the same with God? We don’t ever have to face our problem alone.
Not ever.
Thank you God for that. That you will never leave us or forsake us. Because of you my troubles pass by me like the waters on a river. You Lord, keep my feet from falling. Your Word lights the path for my feet. If I keep my trust and understanding in you, you will direct my paths. You plan my steps and I am content in your ways. I know God, as I ask for direction from you, you will establish the way for me. God, I can go forward with endurance and strength from your spirit, and not look back.
I can press on to your high calling in my life.
God, I can do all things through Christ who gives me the strength.
Without your guidance, my ways, are slippery. Lord, watch over my footsteps and keep my paths clear so that I may not slip and fall. You make the way clear under me. When I ask you for mercy and help you keep me from falling and hold me up.
You God, are my Rock and my Refuge. I put my trust in you.
In Jesus name, Amen.
If you want you can pray that prayer too.
Here are some scriptures that go hand in hand with the words I have just written to you. They are God’s promises. His Word is full of them. He keeps His promises too.
Because He loves you.
Kim Wenrich
2 Corinthians 5:17
Psalms 139
1 Peter 5 : 7
Romans 8: 37, 38 and 39
Philippians 3:13 and 14
Philippians 4: 13
Deuteronomy 6: 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9
Job 11: 16
Proverbs 4: 26
Proverbs 16: 5 and 6
17: 5
18: 35 and 36
32: 23
46: 1
48: 14
73: 8
94: 18 and 22
116: 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9
119: 105
I was talking to God this morning and reading His Word. As I was reading….I got concerned about something…see I loved what I was reading. I felt so thirsty for the words in my soul.
I wanted every word to be captured in my heart and not forgotten.
When I was younger, in my 20’s and even in my early 30’s, I easily remember anything and everything.
Just that simple. But sometime in my late 30’s, I noticed I was forgetting things…simple things. Like why I went to a particular room in the house. What was it I wanted out of the refrigerator. An even more funnier one is, why was I in the bathroom! It frustrated me and still does. I am now 41. I feel like my brain is turning to squish sometimes. I don’t know if it is age or life just wearing the brain down or that for 41 years I have been using my brain and it is just tired. Who knows. This may sound silly but I pray for my brain.
In the Bible there is are scriptures that tells us, to hide the Word in your heart….to remember the commandments and to teach them to your children and write them on your door posts. There are many scriptures that tell you in the Bible about learning and remembering what you learn. I was wondering….Concerning the things of God, is the remembering from the heart or the brain. I think I will pray for both from now on.
I really want to remember the things I learn about God that are good for my life. I really want to know Him personally. I don’t want to forget. I want everything about my God to be in my life and about my life. Inside and out.
So I asked him this morning to help me keep what I read in His Word and what I learn about him, stirring in me, in my heart, my mind and my spirit.
Some scriptures I was reading this morning, stirred a memory of something my husband said to me a few days ago.
David said, that problems in life are like mountains. After you climb that mountain and solve that problem, there will be another mountain with a problem. We have to climb the mountain to solve the problem. We are to overcome, learn and grow from them. Then we have the valley for rest and peace. But there will be another mountain with another problem. He told me, that is what life is like.
Well, this entered me deeply. I thought on it for a few days. See, I really like the mountains a lot. I live in them, around them. I love to look at them. They are beautiful, majestic, I get good feelings when I look at them. There are so many sizes and shapes too. I was thinking about that. About the sizes and shapes. Mountains can represent problems in our life, even in their sizes and shapes.
But I know too, they represent so much more.
I thought of the mountain climbers. Those that climb them as a hobby. Have you ever seen a picture of a climber on a mountain? I saw one once, where the climber was barely hanging on, but looked very secure at the same time. He didn't have a fearful expression. He looked determined and challenged and sure of the next step. He was looking up, not down.
I think of those climbers, the work involved, the tools that are needed, the wisdom of knowing where to step next, where the dangerous areas are, the unsafe places to put their feet and hands next. They know these things.
They have endurance to keep going and to reach the top. They are dressed and equipped, ready for their climb.
They get to the top and feel exhilarated, exhausted, triumphant, and they know they can fully rest. At the top, it is then they can look around at all that surrounds them. Those things they did not see as they focused on the hard climb up the mountain. If they had looked around as they climbed, if they took their eyes off of the climb, if they became distracted even a little, it could mean falling, getting hurt badly or death. Once they are at the top, that problem is over. They can look around and feel the joy of their accomplishment. Soak in the peace and wonder and rest.
I get that. That is an example of life.
There is a spiritual side to all that. Well really, was there ever not one?
If you belong to God. Everything within you is stronger. The purpose of your life is directed personally for you by Him.
He gives you the strength and endurance, the will to continue on and show you the dangerous places that could cause a fall. He gives you the safe places. He is the author of Peace, rest and contentment and He freely gives it to us. There is nothing we can work at to achieve those things outwardly. They come from the inside of you.
He opens the eyes of our hearts to see His beauty in all things in and around our lives.
I thank God for that. His ways are perfect, without flaw, true and faithful. Full of love and compassion. Special just for you. There is strength in His hand. You are held in the palm of His hand and no one can snatch you away from Him. Nothing can separate you from His love for you. God has given us promises that He is our help. He is everything we need. We can trust Him and lean on Him. We can overcome this mountain and be sure of the rest from Him. We can trust Him with the next mountain as well.
I think what I will do from now on, is look at my mountains differently. I will continue to see it’s beauty and awe, but I will know that it is a hard journey up that mountain, No matter the size and shape. I will seek God for help to get through my problem, to learn from it and to ask Him to show me the rough places and the places I need to avoid, so I can get through it safely and stronger. I will pray in preparation of the next mountain with it problems. So I am ready, just like the professional mountain climbers. I am sure when they climbed their first mountain…they were little scared and excited, maybe even shaky. I am sure they had someone teaching them way before that first climb. Preparing them for that climb, before they even climbed it the very first time. I am sure they were not alone and had a guide along side of them coaching them and telling them what to look out for and where to step next, how to get to the top safely. Why should we be any different…with our God? He is our teacher and guide. The mountain climbers, put their trust in their guide and teacher…why shouldn't we do the same with God? We don’t ever have to face our problem alone.
Not ever.
Thank you God for that. That you will never leave us or forsake us. Because of you my troubles pass by me like the waters on a river. You Lord, keep my feet from falling. Your Word lights the path for my feet. If I keep my trust and understanding in you, you will direct my paths. You plan my steps and I am content in your ways. I know God, as I ask for direction from you, you will establish the way for me. God, I can go forward with endurance and strength from your spirit, and not look back.
I can press on to your high calling in my life.
God, I can do all things through Christ who gives me the strength.
Without your guidance, my ways, are slippery. Lord, watch over my footsteps and keep my paths clear so that I may not slip and fall. You make the way clear under me. When I ask you for mercy and help you keep me from falling and hold me up.
You God, are my Rock and my Refuge. I put my trust in you.
In Jesus name, Amen.
If you want you can pray that prayer too.
Here are some scriptures that go hand in hand with the words I have just written to you. They are God’s promises. His Word is full of them. He keeps His promises too.
Because He loves you.
Kim Wenrich
2 Corinthians 5:17
Psalms 139
1 Peter 5 : 7
Romans 8: 37, 38 and 39
Philippians 3:13 and 14
Philippians 4: 13
Deuteronomy 6: 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9
Job 11: 16
Proverbs 4: 26
Proverbs 16: 5 and 6
17: 5
18: 35 and 36
32: 23
46: 1
48: 14
73: 8
94: 18 and 22
116: 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9
119: 105
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The Lit Path
The Lit Path
This past weekend I had a dear friend over, Nancy. It was a short visit, being she had to get back home, out of state to start her work week. But we may not had quantity time together, we did have quality time. It was precious and valuable time. That is time that matters the most. We shared our Lord together, laughed, cried, ate and loved each other’s hearts. A true gift of time in friendship, with her, our family and God. He was invited too. After she left. I reflected on our time together, our conversations. I will hold those moments in my heart forever. She is such a wonderful spirit. Nancy is sweet and I can see so many wonderful characteristics of God in her life. I see how He is building her more and more in the image of his beauty, he has planned just for her.
While she was here, I told her a story about something I was teaching my son recently. After I told her, she said, “That is a story, you need to write.”
Particularly that one story has not left my mind since she left. So I am going to write it.
In the Holy Bible, Psalm 119: 105 there is a scripture that states:
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
About 2 weeks or so ago, my son, Jonathan and I were in the kitchen talking.
That scripture came to mind. This is what I told him.
“Jonathan, you know there is a scripture in the Bible that says God’s Word is a lamp for your path. Do you know what that means?” He said, “no, not really.”
I told him, “ Life is hard Jonathan, God’s Word is our help. It teaches us, guides us and helps us understand how we are to live.” I said, “Son, look in your mind, see a long straight path, it is lit with a bright light, all the way up and down it, to each side of it, all along this path, there are curved off paths that are dark and not straight."
"You get to choose to stay on the path that is lit just for you, or you can take those dark paths. It is your choice. I recommend that you try very hard to stay on the path that you can see your way on. God has that path just for you. It is his plan for you life. Sometimes we get off that path and verge off, making wrong choices, doing wrong things. But you can get on the lit path again. It is there for you. It is your path, to follow God and His ways. His ways are the good ways. To strengthen you, teach you, to help you."
"Jonathan, to know God you have to talk to Him, Read His Word, seek Him in all matters, trust Him. Sometimes you will wonder off on to the dark, unlit paths, God will guide you back, to the right path, that is lit, so you can find your way back. You then need to decide to get on the right path, ask God to forgive you and learn. Do you understand now? "
Jonathan said, “Yes I do mom, thanks.”
I then stood up from the kitchen table and went to the kitchen sink to wash some dishes. It was a very gray day, no clouds or sun. Just drab. There not far from our kitchen window is a path that goes between the cow field and another field to my son’s friend’s house. Between the trees that start the path, from our yard, to across this field, a bright light, like a sun beam lit that path. From start to no end, as far as we could see it go, all the way across the field. No sun, no clouds. My breath caught and I gasped.
I said to Jonathan, “Quick, come here and look out this window and tell me what you see!”
He said, “Mom! I see a path lit.” I said, “Jonathan that is just for you. God is telling you He really wants you to learn from what we were talking about and keep trusting Him.
He has something very special planned for your life. Learn from this son.”
Jonathan, then grabbed his cell phone and ran out side, to take a closer look. I didn’t know it, but he was taking pictures with his phone.
Monday came and I reminded Jonathan about that path we literally saw lit and what I was telling him before we saw it. I told him, I had told Nancy about it, when she was here and I told him I couldn’t get it out of my mind. That she suggested I write that one. I told him, she asked, did we take any pictures of it and I had told her no, we didn’t think of it. He said, “Mom, I took pictures of it with my phone.” I said, “Your kidding!” He said, Really! I have it on my phone.”
I told him, I am going to write the story for Heaven In My Heart, but I don’t know how to put the picture on the blog. So I will get him to download it and e-mail it to you all as soon as I can.
With much love and care,
Kim Wenrich
2 Corinthians 5:17
Psalm 139
This past weekend I had a dear friend over, Nancy. It was a short visit, being she had to get back home, out of state to start her work week. But we may not had quantity time together, we did have quality time. It was precious and valuable time. That is time that matters the most. We shared our Lord together, laughed, cried, ate and loved each other’s hearts. A true gift of time in friendship, with her, our family and God. He was invited too. After she left. I reflected on our time together, our conversations. I will hold those moments in my heart forever. She is such a wonderful spirit. Nancy is sweet and I can see so many wonderful characteristics of God in her life. I see how He is building her more and more in the image of his beauty, he has planned just for her.
While she was here, I told her a story about something I was teaching my son recently. After I told her, she said, “That is a story, you need to write.”
Particularly that one story has not left my mind since she left. So I am going to write it.
In the Holy Bible, Psalm 119: 105 there is a scripture that states:
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
About 2 weeks or so ago, my son, Jonathan and I were in the kitchen talking.
That scripture came to mind. This is what I told him.
“Jonathan, you know there is a scripture in the Bible that says God’s Word is a lamp for your path. Do you know what that means?” He said, “no, not really.”
I told him, “ Life is hard Jonathan, God’s Word is our help. It teaches us, guides us and helps us understand how we are to live.” I said, “Son, look in your mind, see a long straight path, it is lit with a bright light, all the way up and down it, to each side of it, all along this path, there are curved off paths that are dark and not straight."
"You get to choose to stay on the path that is lit just for you, or you can take those dark paths. It is your choice. I recommend that you try very hard to stay on the path that you can see your way on. God has that path just for you. It is his plan for you life. Sometimes we get off that path and verge off, making wrong choices, doing wrong things. But you can get on the lit path again. It is there for you. It is your path, to follow God and His ways. His ways are the good ways. To strengthen you, teach you, to help you."
"Jonathan, to know God you have to talk to Him, Read His Word, seek Him in all matters, trust Him. Sometimes you will wonder off on to the dark, unlit paths, God will guide you back, to the right path, that is lit, so you can find your way back. You then need to decide to get on the right path, ask God to forgive you and learn. Do you understand now? "
Jonathan said, “Yes I do mom, thanks.”
I then stood up from the kitchen table and went to the kitchen sink to wash some dishes. It was a very gray day, no clouds or sun. Just drab. There not far from our kitchen window is a path that goes between the cow field and another field to my son’s friend’s house. Between the trees that start the path, from our yard, to across this field, a bright light, like a sun beam lit that path. From start to no end, as far as we could see it go, all the way across the field. No sun, no clouds. My breath caught and I gasped.
I said to Jonathan, “Quick, come here and look out this window and tell me what you see!”
He said, “Mom! I see a path lit.” I said, “Jonathan that is just for you. God is telling you He really wants you to learn from what we were talking about and keep trusting Him.
He has something very special planned for your life. Learn from this son.”
Jonathan, then grabbed his cell phone and ran out side, to take a closer look. I didn’t know it, but he was taking pictures with his phone.
Monday came and I reminded Jonathan about that path we literally saw lit and what I was telling him before we saw it. I told him, I had told Nancy about it, when she was here and I told him I couldn’t get it out of my mind. That she suggested I write that one. I told him, she asked, did we take any pictures of it and I had told her no, we didn’t think of it. He said, “Mom, I took pictures of it with my phone.” I said, “Your kidding!” He said, Really! I have it on my phone.”
I told him, I am going to write the story for Heaven In My Heart, but I don’t know how to put the picture on the blog. So I will get him to download it and e-mail it to you all as soon as I can.
With much love and care,
Kim Wenrich
2 Corinthians 5:17
Psalm 139
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Dark or Light?
Dark or Light?
Some years ago, I went to a get together with a friend. It was a work related party for my friend, and she wanted me to go with her. My habit is to pray every time I go anywhere. I pray for traveling mercies and for others, for protection, I pray to be a blessing to all I encounter. I ask God to guard my heart and mind and I ask Him to help me represent Him and to use me in anyway He wants to.
As my friend and I arrived, she knocked on the door. When the person greeted us, the first thing my friend said was, “This is my Christian Friend.” And then to each person after that, I was introduced the same. I was wondering, what in the world is going on. It was unusual.
No one really seemed to care, who I was, or that I was a Christian. But I will tell you this, every single person in that room, knew I was a Christian. Because my friend told every single person.
Still can’t figure that one out.
About 50 persons were there at that get together. I didn’t know anyone there. I sat down on the couch and just looked and watched everyone.
I then begin to see, with Spiritual eyes of the atmosphere and the essence of each person. God was showing me something. Teaching me something.
I looked around, the room seemed dark even though lights were on every where in the room. I saw that each person in there was drinking, faces expressing a long, drawn, tight countenance. Each in their own groups of conversations, about themselves. I could see no light, no peace. I was sad about that.
I was thinking, “God, this is so sad. Don’t anyone here know you?” I heard Him answer my thought…He said, “No.”
I felt just plain sad, deep in my heart, in the pit of me like my soul was crying.
I could see a transparent, heavy darkness that surrounded each one. Then the Lord showed me myself. When I say that, I mean, I suddenly knew and felt my essence, my being. That God had property rights of me. I had light. I was the only one in the room with a light inside me. I felt it, saw it and knew the knowledge of that as truth.
I had noticed, that others seem to stare at me, as though they weren’t seeing me, but looking through me and no one would talk to me. If they did, it was just to be cordial, it was brief and they moved quickly away. I was the only one, the entire time, sitting on that couch. No kidding.
I thanked God for the lesson and deep understanding of those in need of Him. As I sat there, I prayed for them. I was grateful and glad God showed me I belonged to Him. That I am His and I wished they were too. We didn’t stay long. It seemed our visit there was over just about as soon as it had began.
This was a spiritual experience. Some don’t understand this. God Himself says, He will give you understanding of spiritual things. Never can any of us do this on our own.
He loves us so much. He is always growing us, loving us, teaching us.
He dwells in the hearts of those who belong to Him. Those who ask Him to. We have a choice. He wants us all to know Him, to trust Him and ask Him to live in our hearts.
He wants to forgive us of our sins. It is said , that when you ask Him to forgive you and ask Him to come live in your heart…that He puts your sins in the Sea of Forgetfulness to be remembered no more. I like to think there is a no fishing sign posted there too. J
It states in Bible that, your name gets written in a book that is in Heaven, called The Lamb’s book of life.
From what I understand too, is that when you make that choice to receive Him into your life, that ALL of Heaven rejoices over you. That is incredible. That should show us, how important we are. How important YOU are.
You get to know a Great God. His love for you, how merciful he is.
Do you know Him?
He is everything. He is breath and life. I am because of Him.
He gave His only Son for my life and your life. For all my sin He has forgiven and continues to forgive, so I can live with Him in Heaven. I know He loves me and that He loves you.
He created the whole earth and the fullness there of, the universe and He gave every star a name.
He reigns in Heaven and He lives in my heart. He is real. He is alive.
The angles and all of Heaven love Him.. All creation obey His voice and are in awe of Him. Even the demons believe and tremble. How great is my God. He even loves me enough to create me into His image and engrave my name into the palm of His hand. (it is in the Word) He died on the cross and rose again. So that me and you can live.
With love and complete acceptance He wrote my name in The Lamb’s book of Life. My name is there. No one can erase it, ever. He understands me more than I will ever comprehend. That is why I am shown so much grace. I don’t deserve it. But He gives me worth. He freely gives.
Read in the Holy Bible, Luke and John. Then Read Romans.
See for yourselves what God has to say.
I want to go to Heaven and be with my God, my friend, my Heavenly Father, My savior. He is my all and everything.
He chose me for this world. To be born and live. I don’t know His plan and purpose for me. But I know He has one just for me and just for you. I want my life to smell good to Him. God says in His Word. He has a hope, a plan and a future for you. To prosper you, to give you purpose and not to harm you.
Time is short my friends and loved one. Jesus said in His Word, time is short. His Word even tells what to look for. What the Signs of the Times are. They are happening and being fulfilled quickly.
He said, He is coming for His own as a thief in the night and those who don’t know Him will be left.
If you think the world and the evil doers are bad now, just wait until that happens. You will not survive it. You will have to choose to serve the anti-christ…or die. But you are doomed either way to die…if you are left. The difference is if you choose the anti-christ, you will spend eternity in Hell. If you do not take his seal, you will die as a martyr. A horrible, tortured death. But you will go to Heaven. If you, even then, decided to cry out to God, The One True God, it will be hard for you. But the good choice is now. Don’t wait. God loves you so much. He has done everything to show you. Let the Healer set you free and live in your heart today.
Even those who have Jesus in their hearts….need to wake up…stop being a pew warmer if you are. Let your light shine among others, get serious, talk to your God. If you have a relationship with your mom, brother, sister, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, son, daughter…whomever…why in the world would you put Jesus on a shelf and take Him down whenever you feel like it or none at all. Don’t you call people on the phone, just to talk, write notes to those who you are thinking of? Send a thoughtful e-mail to a friend or loved one? Please get in touch with God too.
Clean your oil lamp and fill it up. Let it shine bright. Don’t get caught with your light faded and your temple dirty. Your Bride-Groom cometh!
May the Lord open the eyes of your hearts. I pray He will bless you and that His precious Holy Spirit will swept into you heart like a flood from a broken dam. May you let Him, wrap your spirit in His love and unconditional acceptance of you as His child.
Kim Wenrich
2 Corinthians 5:17
Psalms 139
The Letter
Dear Friend,
How are you? I just had to send a note to tell you how much I care about you.
I saw you yesterday as you were talking with your friends. I waited all day hoping you would want to talk with me too. I gave you a sunset to close your day and a cool breeze to rest you- and I waited. You never came. It hurt me- but I still love you because I am your friend.
I saw you sleeping last night and longed to touch your brow so I spilled moonlight upon your face. Again I waited, wanting to rush down so we could talk. I have so many gifts for you! I try to tell you in blue skies and in the quiet green grass. I whisper it in leaves on the tress and breathe it in colors of flowers, shout it to you in mountain streams, give the birds love songs to sing. I clothe you with warm sunshine and perfume the air with nature scents. My love for you is deeper than the ocean, and bigger than the biggest need in you heart!
Ask Me! Talk with Me! Please don’t forget Me. I have so much to share with you!
I won’t hassle you any further. It is your decision. I have chosen you and I will wait-
I love you, Your friend,
Some years ago, I went to a get together with a friend. It was a work related party for my friend, and she wanted me to go with her. My habit is to pray every time I go anywhere. I pray for traveling mercies and for others, for protection, I pray to be a blessing to all I encounter. I ask God to guard my heart and mind and I ask Him to help me represent Him and to use me in anyway He wants to.
As my friend and I arrived, she knocked on the door. When the person greeted us, the first thing my friend said was, “This is my Christian Friend.” And then to each person after that, I was introduced the same. I was wondering, what in the world is going on. It was unusual.
No one really seemed to care, who I was, or that I was a Christian. But I will tell you this, every single person in that room, knew I was a Christian. Because my friend told every single person.
Still can’t figure that one out.
About 50 persons were there at that get together. I didn’t know anyone there. I sat down on the couch and just looked and watched everyone.
I then begin to see, with Spiritual eyes of the atmosphere and the essence of each person. God was showing me something. Teaching me something.
I looked around, the room seemed dark even though lights were on every where in the room. I saw that each person in there was drinking, faces expressing a long, drawn, tight countenance. Each in their own groups of conversations, about themselves. I could see no light, no peace. I was sad about that.
I was thinking, “God, this is so sad. Don’t anyone here know you?” I heard Him answer my thought…He said, “No.”
I felt just plain sad, deep in my heart, in the pit of me like my soul was crying.
I could see a transparent, heavy darkness that surrounded each one. Then the Lord showed me myself. When I say that, I mean, I suddenly knew and felt my essence, my being. That God had property rights of me. I had light. I was the only one in the room with a light inside me. I felt it, saw it and knew the knowledge of that as truth.
I had noticed, that others seem to stare at me, as though they weren’t seeing me, but looking through me and no one would talk to me. If they did, it was just to be cordial, it was brief and they moved quickly away. I was the only one, the entire time, sitting on that couch. No kidding.
I thanked God for the lesson and deep understanding of those in need of Him. As I sat there, I prayed for them. I was grateful and glad God showed me I belonged to Him. That I am His and I wished they were too. We didn’t stay long. It seemed our visit there was over just about as soon as it had began.
This was a spiritual experience. Some don’t understand this. God Himself says, He will give you understanding of spiritual things. Never can any of us do this on our own.
He loves us so much. He is always growing us, loving us, teaching us.
He dwells in the hearts of those who belong to Him. Those who ask Him to. We have a choice. He wants us all to know Him, to trust Him and ask Him to live in our hearts.
He wants to forgive us of our sins. It is said , that when you ask Him to forgive you and ask Him to come live in your heart…that He puts your sins in the Sea of Forgetfulness to be remembered no more. I like to think there is a no fishing sign posted there too. J
It states in Bible that, your name gets written in a book that is in Heaven, called The Lamb’s book of life.
From what I understand too, is that when you make that choice to receive Him into your life, that ALL of Heaven rejoices over you. That is incredible. That should show us, how important we are. How important YOU are.
You get to know a Great God. His love for you, how merciful he is.
Do you know Him?
He is everything. He is breath and life. I am because of Him.
He gave His only Son for my life and your life. For all my sin He has forgiven and continues to forgive, so I can live with Him in Heaven. I know He loves me and that He loves you.
He created the whole earth and the fullness there of, the universe and He gave every star a name.
He reigns in Heaven and He lives in my heart. He is real. He is alive.
The angles and all of Heaven love Him.. All creation obey His voice and are in awe of Him. Even the demons believe and tremble. How great is my God. He even loves me enough to create me into His image and engrave my name into the palm of His hand. (it is in the Word) He died on the cross and rose again. So that me and you can live.
With love and complete acceptance He wrote my name in The Lamb’s book of Life. My name is there. No one can erase it, ever. He understands me more than I will ever comprehend. That is why I am shown so much grace. I don’t deserve it. But He gives me worth. He freely gives.
Read in the Holy Bible, Luke and John. Then Read Romans.
See for yourselves what God has to say.
I want to go to Heaven and be with my God, my friend, my Heavenly Father, My savior. He is my all and everything.
He chose me for this world. To be born and live. I don’t know His plan and purpose for me. But I know He has one just for me and just for you. I want my life to smell good to Him. God says in His Word. He has a hope, a plan and a future for you. To prosper you, to give you purpose and not to harm you.
Time is short my friends and loved one. Jesus said in His Word, time is short. His Word even tells what to look for. What the Signs of the Times are. They are happening and being fulfilled quickly.
He said, He is coming for His own as a thief in the night and those who don’t know Him will be left.
If you think the world and the evil doers are bad now, just wait until that happens. You will not survive it. You will have to choose to serve the anti-christ…or die. But you are doomed either way to die…if you are left. The difference is if you choose the anti-christ, you will spend eternity in Hell. If you do not take his seal, you will die as a martyr. A horrible, tortured death. But you will go to Heaven. If you, even then, decided to cry out to God, The One True God, it will be hard for you. But the good choice is now. Don’t wait. God loves you so much. He has done everything to show you. Let the Healer set you free and live in your heart today.
Even those who have Jesus in their hearts….need to wake up…stop being a pew warmer if you are. Let your light shine among others, get serious, talk to your God. If you have a relationship with your mom, brother, sister, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, son, daughter…whomever…why in the world would you put Jesus on a shelf and take Him down whenever you feel like it or none at all. Don’t you call people on the phone, just to talk, write notes to those who you are thinking of? Send a thoughtful e-mail to a friend or loved one? Please get in touch with God too.
Clean your oil lamp and fill it up. Let it shine bright. Don’t get caught with your light faded and your temple dirty. Your Bride-Groom cometh!
May the Lord open the eyes of your hearts. I pray He will bless you and that His precious Holy Spirit will swept into you heart like a flood from a broken dam. May you let Him, wrap your spirit in His love and unconditional acceptance of you as His child.
Kim Wenrich
2 Corinthians 5:17
Psalms 139
The Letter
Dear Friend,
How are you? I just had to send a note to tell you how much I care about you.
I saw you yesterday as you were talking with your friends. I waited all day hoping you would want to talk with me too. I gave you a sunset to close your day and a cool breeze to rest you- and I waited. You never came. It hurt me- but I still love you because I am your friend.
I saw you sleeping last night and longed to touch your brow so I spilled moonlight upon your face. Again I waited, wanting to rush down so we could talk. I have so many gifts for you! I try to tell you in blue skies and in the quiet green grass. I whisper it in leaves on the tress and breathe it in colors of flowers, shout it to you in mountain streams, give the birds love songs to sing. I clothe you with warm sunshine and perfume the air with nature scents. My love for you is deeper than the ocean, and bigger than the biggest need in you heart!
Ask Me! Talk with Me! Please don’t forget Me. I have so much to share with you!
I won’t hassle you any further. It is your decision. I have chosen you and I will wait-
I love you, Your friend,
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