Pizza Angel
About 10 years ago, when we lived in Ruther Glen , my husband and I had been thinking for sometime about buying a pizza from Pizza Hut. We planned it out, because we had a very strict budget…So we had to save up for 2 weeks for a $10 pizza. We were looking forward to it and talked of it off and on during those 2 weeks. We had no car at this time…..My husband had been working for his dad in construction and it happened that he had his dad’s work truck the week of when we were going to buy the pizza.
The day had come…..we went to Ashland to get our prized pizza. We talked about the pizza on the way. David had preordered it on the phone before we left, so when we got there it would be ready to go.
When we got there, we parked where the front entrance is, because the truck was loaded with tools, I decided it was best for me to sit and wait in the truck to keep an eye on the truck. David got out and went in. Both of us noticed a young man about 20 or so years old sitting on the curb at the front door of the Pizza Hut. I watched David inside the Pizza Hut. I also was watching this man. He had a face that you were drawn to. He had a smile that was so peaceful. An older couple in their late 50’s pulled up beside the truck and I watched them get out. I saw them look at the man intently with turned up noses…He stood up…He looked at them and smiled at them and went inside.
He looked dirty on the back side, like he sat in a lot of places. But his front side, clothes, face and hair were perfectly clean. I heard the older couple say…”can you believe that guy, he needs a bar of soap.” They had a look of disgust. I started to cry and I prayed for him. I said, “God please bless that man today and please provide him food.” The young man went and stood right beside David. I was thinking, “Lord it sure is taking David a long time to get his pizza.”
I could see through the windows David talking to that man. I saw David talking to the person behind the counter. Then after about 10 more minutes. I saw the two of them walk out together, both smiling. The guy had 3 pizza boxes in his hands and sat down on the curb again and begin to eat his food, still smiling. I heard David say to him, “God bless you man.”
David got in the truck with our pizza.
I said to David, what took so long?”
He said, “You see that guy right there?” I said, “yes, I couldn’t help it to see him, there is something about him, that makes me feel something incredible in my heart.”
Before David could continue to tell me more….His eyes filled with tears and needed a moment to continue.
He finally said, “That guy came in and asked that lady, if she had any pizzas no one wanted or that was old that he could have.” She looked at him and sharply said, No.” and then I said, “Hey wait a minute, give him mine.” “He can have my pizza.” She looked at me and back at the man and said, “Well I do have a few pizzas that have been sitting here for an hour no one came to pick up, he can have those. “ So the man walked out with 3 pizzas and David with ours.
David then said, “you know, I asked him, where was he going.” He said, he was going south and going fishing.”
We left there…wondering just who he really was…because when we looked back, he was gone…no where to be seen. In a minute, just not there.
We began to cry and thanked God together for that wonderful opportunity and blessing to experience something deep and profound.
There is scripture in the Bible that says, that we will entertain angles unaware.
Hebrews 13: 1 and 2
1 Let brotherly love continue.
2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
(Show hospitality to strangers, you may be entertaining angels without even knowing it)
(Love others with your heart and show it)
(Jesus said when you have give to someone else, you have done it unto Him.)
Matthew 25: 35 and 36
35 For I was hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
Matthew 25: 37 through 40
37 Then the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee a hungred, and fed thee? Or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?
39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?
40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
Kim Wenrich
2 Corinthians 5 :17
Psalms 139
I write true and inspirational stories about God in my life. All the seasons of my life. I want to encourage you to know how He cares about you and every detail of your life. I pray before I write. I write with gratitude and thanksgiving for such a wonderful God, who loves me and you so very much. He is my life's breath and I am so in love with my God. I want the stories that I write to reflect the love in my heart for Him and you.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
I have a face book profile. I like going on face book from time to time. I get to see pictures of my loved ones and friends and read what might being going on in their lives and see what their interests are. Mostly, I love to read their inspiring quotes and about how awesome God is in their lives. They will write scriptures based on what has been spoken to their heart. Send links to other cool inspiring things to look at. It is like a life line…I don’t know if they know, but when others look at what they post on there, it enters the mind, heart and soul. It matters.
One of my friends, Marcy, sent me a rose…a red rose on line. I was to click on it to accept it. Marcy didn’t know what was going on in my life at that moment…how I was feeling…but I needed her thoughtfulness of me at that moment. By sending that to me, she was telling my heart… “Kim, I love you and I am thinking of you at this moment.” It meant a lot to me.
Our words can be life giving…even our little acts of kindness, they can be a comfort, teaching, uplifting, touching, loving and thoughtful.
Our words can also be used to hurt, damage and destroy.
As children of God we are to be encouraging and life givers. Not life takers.
You can take a life, by killing the spirit. We can do that with our words.
Words are so important, written or spoken.
Words can give life and healing…or press down and steal from the inside of someone‘s soul.
It matters.
There are people that rob…they go into someone’s house in the night, they break the window open or the door and take the owner’s prized possessions. They leave those owners disoriented, hurt and afraid. Maybe even angry.
This same thing can be done to an person’s heart…we could break in forcibly through their soul and steal valuable things from their heart. By telling them mean spirited things about their character, who they are, what they feel. By writing messy things to them as well.
Our silence can also be just as devastating.
If you know someone is hurting, sad, in need of an encouraging word, you should be love to them.
We are called to be comforters, encouragers, helpers of others. God is very aware if you are a life taker or a life giver. It matters to Him what you said or wrote and how it effects others.
We are to be protectors of each other’s heart. Not by our own standards either. But by a higher calling. That higher calling is Love and gentleness, kindness and thoughtfulness.
The Holy Bible has much to say on this subject as well. About our words and actions. They don’t just matter to each of us….they matter to God.
Let me tell you a story…that truly happened.
First I will tell you what just happened the other day. I was at the computer and decided to take a look at face book. I looked at my profile for a little bit. I reflected on who my friends are on my profile and my links and their links to me. I read what everyone wrote on the news feed. I reread what I had written in my personal profile. Things that I put on there about what I liked, what I thought, my favorite things, who I am. I then took a look at my list of friends. I became grateful for my list of friends…they all love God and their lives reflected that and what they wrote on the news feed reflected their love for Him and others.
I then saw a link to a “I love Jesus” link from one of the friends…I clicked on the link.
It instantly posted to my profile and then I looked at my profile. Off to the side under my picture were the words, “I love Jesus.” I thought, “Someone is going look at my profile and think I am a religious nut.” “Everything about me on this face book is centered around Jesus.
I wondered if I should have clicked on that…"after all people who know me, know I love Jesus."
I then saw a link to The Ten Commandments. A link to click weather I liked it or not.
So I clicked I liked it. Then I saw it posted to the news feed. I didn’t realize that would happen. I just thought it would just be a added link to my profile. I then wondered what others may think about me.
I don’t want others to think I am “so religious” and then feel like that I can’t be an encouragement to them to know God’s love for them, through my life.
I have heard once…“don’t be so religious, that you may become no earthly good.”
I never quite understood that. Because honestly, I don’t consider myself religious.
I consider myself in a loved filled and wonderful relationship with God.
I guess maybe being no earthly good are the ones that have those cults or kill others in the name of their God. I would consider that being no earthly good for sure.
My point is, I went to bed thinking about my profile and about what was on it.
That morning, before the dawn, while it was still dark I awoke from a dream I had.
I want to tell you about it.
I dreamt, I saw the Holy Spirit, in person form. Beautiful skin, perfect tone, couldn’t tell you what race…just a perfect color, not white, black, brown, yellow, or red. I couldn’t tell you distinctly if the Holy Spirit is male or female, it didn’t seem to matter.
I will say He, because the Holy Spirit is God’s spirit. God is our Heavenly Father.
Father means male.
God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, are 3 in 1.
I am in no way saying I saw God. Just to get that out there. It was a dream.
I am sure, though the person represented in my dream was the Holy Spirit.
Make out of it whatever it means to you.
Anyway, His hair was long and every strand of hair glowed a beautiful fire color. But not like the color of fire like we know.
I then saw my face book page in my dream. I saw all the good things on it. All that others have written and what I have written on it.
He then said, “It is not about you, It is about Me.”
In this dream, I thought…”what does that mean?”
I heard Him say, “It is all about Me in your life. All that concerns you, concerns Me. Everything about you, is about Me.”
I woke up after that…..
This dream stayed with me through out the day.
The story continues…
It is Sunday and we went to church.
That afternoon my son, was to go to his first meeting at the church for his age group.
Previously he had told the Pastor he played the electric guitar and was interested in playing with the band.
He remembered the Pastor told him he wanted Jonathan to learn a song on the guitar for the worship team. So he went to the Pastor after church to ask him about it. The Pastor took him to the band leader and “hooked him up.”
The band leader took his information and burned him a cd of the song he wanted him to learn to play and told him, he would call him about coming in on Wednesday night to play it during rehearsal to hear how he does.
Well, that band leader don’t know this, but talking to Jonathan about possibly letting him play with the band and then handing him that cd of the song to learn…was like handing him a most prized treasure. It set Jonathan’s heart on fire.
He got in the car and said, “Mom, I don’t want to disappoint you, but I am not going to the youth meeting tonight. I just can’t tonight. I just don’t want to.”
Well, that upset me. I told him, “Jonathan, come on man, you gotta go.” “You will probably meet some really cool people and make some great friends.”
My husband said, “Don’t push him.” “Let him make up his own mind about it.”
I didn’t realize until later, the reason why he didn’t want to go.
As soon as Jonathan got home…he listened to that song the band leader gave him, a couple of times.
Then I heard him playing his guitar to it.
He had got it down.
He practiced and practiced. He sounded good.
My husband said, “That is why he wanted to stay home tonight.”
Jonathan wants to get involved with the band.
If he gets in…he will be meeting with them on Wednesday nights.
I am still praying he will decide to attend the youth group too.
But see here, what I am saying, the Pastor took the time to see to it Jonathan was lead to the right person, not knowing what fire burned in his heart. Then that band leader took the time, to talk to Jonathan and follow through on what burns in Jonathan’s heart.
They didn’t say, “get back with me later and we will talk. They didn't just forget about Jonathan and put him off. They took care of him right then and there.
This made the flame in his heart light bigger and brighter.
For a long while we had been talking to Jonathan about how important it was for him to be reading Proverbs in his Bible. That even if he read just one a day…it would be really good for him, because it is wise instruction for him as a young man growing into a man.
Later that night, we noticed it was really quite in his room. That was unusual. Because when Jonathan is in his room, all he does is play his guitar or listen to music and play his guitar to the music. About an hour later, Jonathan comes into our room and stands in our door way.
He just stands there and is quite for a few seconds. We ask him, “What’s up son?” “Why have you been so quite in your room?”
He runs over and grabs his dad around the neck…and says, “Dad, I am so sorry for not listening to you before now. You were right, I really need to read my Bible and read Proverbs. I was in my room reading it. I finally understand.”
His dad was overjoyed. He said, “Son, go get your Bible and share with me what you read.”
Jonathan ran to go get his Bible and my husband got his. We all sat together, as Jonathan read what he learned. He had read Proverbs chapter 7 and chapter 8.
He said, “What is so neat is, when I read this tonight it was like it was alive and I was reading a story I could see in my mind. I completely understood it.”
We told him that God was teaching him and drawing him to great things of Him and that God had something very special planned for his life and needed to keep doing good and seeking God.
What is really interesting as well is, the Pastor that morning did mention to the teens, that even though they think they know everything, listen to what your parents say to you. They really know more and can give it to you straight. He also said to everyone, that others should know if you are a Christian just by looking at your life.
Before Jonathan went to bed, I took that opportunity to tell him about my dream.
I said, “Jonathan are you ever concerned about what you write on face book and what others think about you and your being a Christian?” He said, “Yes mom, I have been.”
I told him about my dream. He said, “Mom that has helped me a lot, to know that everything that concerns my life is about Jesus.”
Right after this time together. My son, called up 2 of his friends, that he had been talking to a lot recently and talked to them about Jesus…Read to them scriptures from the Bible about God’s great love and what Jesus did for them. And then, asked them would they like to ask Jesus into their hearts.
I walked in while he was talking them and saw him on phone, his eyes closed and heard him saying, “If you mean this and really want Jesus in your heart, repeat this prayer with me.” I heard him leading them in prayer of salvation.
I ran into my room, where my husband was and quietly yelled, “He is in there! On the phone! Leading his friends to Jesus! Praying with them!”
My honey, just teared up and thanked God.
None of us are perfect…that is why we keep trying, keep praying, keep reading His Word and keep seeking His face for our lives. We need Him.
Our words matters, our choices matters, what we feel, believe and all that is about us matters. Every detail of your life matters. Your life affects others and that matters to God and you matter to God.
Kim Wenrich
2 Corinthians 5:17
Psalms 139
I have a face book profile. I like going on face book from time to time. I get to see pictures of my loved ones and friends and read what might being going on in their lives and see what their interests are. Mostly, I love to read their inspiring quotes and about how awesome God is in their lives. They will write scriptures based on what has been spoken to their heart. Send links to other cool inspiring things to look at. It is like a life line…I don’t know if they know, but when others look at what they post on there, it enters the mind, heart and soul. It matters.
One of my friends, Marcy, sent me a rose…a red rose on line. I was to click on it to accept it. Marcy didn’t know what was going on in my life at that moment…how I was feeling…but I needed her thoughtfulness of me at that moment. By sending that to me, she was telling my heart… “Kim, I love you and I am thinking of you at this moment.” It meant a lot to me.
Our words can be life giving…even our little acts of kindness, they can be a comfort, teaching, uplifting, touching, loving and thoughtful.
Our words can also be used to hurt, damage and destroy.
As children of God we are to be encouraging and life givers. Not life takers.
You can take a life, by killing the spirit. We can do that with our words.
Words are so important, written or spoken.
Words can give life and healing…or press down and steal from the inside of someone‘s soul.
It matters.
There are people that rob…they go into someone’s house in the night, they break the window open or the door and take the owner’s prized possessions. They leave those owners disoriented, hurt and afraid. Maybe even angry.
This same thing can be done to an person’s heart…we could break in forcibly through their soul and steal valuable things from their heart. By telling them mean spirited things about their character, who they are, what they feel. By writing messy things to them as well.
Our silence can also be just as devastating.
If you know someone is hurting, sad, in need of an encouraging word, you should be love to them.
We are called to be comforters, encouragers, helpers of others. God is very aware if you are a life taker or a life giver. It matters to Him what you said or wrote and how it effects others.
We are to be protectors of each other’s heart. Not by our own standards either. But by a higher calling. That higher calling is Love and gentleness, kindness and thoughtfulness.
The Holy Bible has much to say on this subject as well. About our words and actions. They don’t just matter to each of us….they matter to God.
Let me tell you a story…that truly happened.
First I will tell you what just happened the other day. I was at the computer and decided to take a look at face book. I looked at my profile for a little bit. I reflected on who my friends are on my profile and my links and their links to me. I read what everyone wrote on the news feed. I reread what I had written in my personal profile. Things that I put on there about what I liked, what I thought, my favorite things, who I am. I then took a look at my list of friends. I became grateful for my list of friends…they all love God and their lives reflected that and what they wrote on the news feed reflected their love for Him and others.
I then saw a link to a “I love Jesus” link from one of the friends…I clicked on the link.
It instantly posted to my profile and then I looked at my profile. Off to the side under my picture were the words, “I love Jesus.” I thought, “Someone is going look at my profile and think I am a religious nut.” “Everything about me on this face book is centered around Jesus.
I wondered if I should have clicked on that…"after all people who know me, know I love Jesus."
I then saw a link to The Ten Commandments. A link to click weather I liked it or not.
So I clicked I liked it. Then I saw it posted to the news feed. I didn’t realize that would happen. I just thought it would just be a added link to my profile. I then wondered what others may think about me.
I don’t want others to think I am “so religious” and then feel like that I can’t be an encouragement to them to know God’s love for them, through my life.
I have heard once…“don’t be so religious, that you may become no earthly good.”
I never quite understood that. Because honestly, I don’t consider myself religious.
I consider myself in a loved filled and wonderful relationship with God.
I guess maybe being no earthly good are the ones that have those cults or kill others in the name of their God. I would consider that being no earthly good for sure.
My point is, I went to bed thinking about my profile and about what was on it.
That morning, before the dawn, while it was still dark I awoke from a dream I had.
I want to tell you about it.
I dreamt, I saw the Holy Spirit, in person form. Beautiful skin, perfect tone, couldn’t tell you what race…just a perfect color, not white, black, brown, yellow, or red. I couldn’t tell you distinctly if the Holy Spirit is male or female, it didn’t seem to matter.
I will say He, because the Holy Spirit is God’s spirit. God is our Heavenly Father.
Father means male.
God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, are 3 in 1.
I am in no way saying I saw God. Just to get that out there. It was a dream.
I am sure, though the person represented in my dream was the Holy Spirit.
Make out of it whatever it means to you.
Anyway, His hair was long and every strand of hair glowed a beautiful fire color. But not like the color of fire like we know.
I then saw my face book page in my dream. I saw all the good things on it. All that others have written and what I have written on it.
He then said, “It is not about you, It is about Me.”
In this dream, I thought…”what does that mean?”
I heard Him say, “It is all about Me in your life. All that concerns you, concerns Me. Everything about you, is about Me.”
I woke up after that…..
This dream stayed with me through out the day.
The story continues…
It is Sunday and we went to church.
That afternoon my son, was to go to his first meeting at the church for his age group.
Previously he had told the Pastor he played the electric guitar and was interested in playing with the band.
He remembered the Pastor told him he wanted Jonathan to learn a song on the guitar for the worship team. So he went to the Pastor after church to ask him about it. The Pastor took him to the band leader and “hooked him up.”
The band leader took his information and burned him a cd of the song he wanted him to learn to play and told him, he would call him about coming in on Wednesday night to play it during rehearsal to hear how he does.
Well, that band leader don’t know this, but talking to Jonathan about possibly letting him play with the band and then handing him that cd of the song to learn…was like handing him a most prized treasure. It set Jonathan’s heart on fire.
He got in the car and said, “Mom, I don’t want to disappoint you, but I am not going to the youth meeting tonight. I just can’t tonight. I just don’t want to.”
Well, that upset me. I told him, “Jonathan, come on man, you gotta go.” “You will probably meet some really cool people and make some great friends.”
My husband said, “Don’t push him.” “Let him make up his own mind about it.”
I didn’t realize until later, the reason why he didn’t want to go.
As soon as Jonathan got home…he listened to that song the band leader gave him, a couple of times.
Then I heard him playing his guitar to it.
He had got it down.
He practiced and practiced. He sounded good.
My husband said, “That is why he wanted to stay home tonight.”
Jonathan wants to get involved with the band.
If he gets in…he will be meeting with them on Wednesday nights.
I am still praying he will decide to attend the youth group too.
But see here, what I am saying, the Pastor took the time to see to it Jonathan was lead to the right person, not knowing what fire burned in his heart. Then that band leader took the time, to talk to Jonathan and follow through on what burns in Jonathan’s heart.
They didn’t say, “get back with me later and we will talk. They didn't just forget about Jonathan and put him off. They took care of him right then and there.
This made the flame in his heart light bigger and brighter.
For a long while we had been talking to Jonathan about how important it was for him to be reading Proverbs in his Bible. That even if he read just one a day…it would be really good for him, because it is wise instruction for him as a young man growing into a man.
Later that night, we noticed it was really quite in his room. That was unusual. Because when Jonathan is in his room, all he does is play his guitar or listen to music and play his guitar to the music. About an hour later, Jonathan comes into our room and stands in our door way.
He just stands there and is quite for a few seconds. We ask him, “What’s up son?” “Why have you been so quite in your room?”
He runs over and grabs his dad around the neck…and says, “Dad, I am so sorry for not listening to you before now. You were right, I really need to read my Bible and read Proverbs. I was in my room reading it. I finally understand.”
His dad was overjoyed. He said, “Son, go get your Bible and share with me what you read.”
Jonathan ran to go get his Bible and my husband got his. We all sat together, as Jonathan read what he learned. He had read Proverbs chapter 7 and chapter 8.
He said, “What is so neat is, when I read this tonight it was like it was alive and I was reading a story I could see in my mind. I completely understood it.”
We told him that God was teaching him and drawing him to great things of Him and that God had something very special planned for his life and needed to keep doing good and seeking God.
What is really interesting as well is, the Pastor that morning did mention to the teens, that even though they think they know everything, listen to what your parents say to you. They really know more and can give it to you straight. He also said to everyone, that others should know if you are a Christian just by looking at your life.
Before Jonathan went to bed, I took that opportunity to tell him about my dream.
I said, “Jonathan are you ever concerned about what you write on face book and what others think about you and your being a Christian?” He said, “Yes mom, I have been.”
I told him about my dream. He said, “Mom that has helped me a lot, to know that everything that concerns my life is about Jesus.”
Right after this time together. My son, called up 2 of his friends, that he had been talking to a lot recently and talked to them about Jesus…Read to them scriptures from the Bible about God’s great love and what Jesus did for them. And then, asked them would they like to ask Jesus into their hearts.
I walked in while he was talking them and saw him on phone, his eyes closed and heard him saying, “If you mean this and really want Jesus in your heart, repeat this prayer with me.” I heard him leading them in prayer of salvation.
I ran into my room, where my husband was and quietly yelled, “He is in there! On the phone! Leading his friends to Jesus! Praying with them!”
My honey, just teared up and thanked God.
None of us are perfect…that is why we keep trying, keep praying, keep reading His Word and keep seeking His face for our lives. We need Him.
Our words matters, our choices matters, what we feel, believe and all that is about us matters. Every detail of your life matters. Your life affects others and that matters to God and you matter to God.
Kim Wenrich
2 Corinthians 5:17
Psalms 139
Monday, September 13, 2010
The Love That Completes Me
The Love That Completes Me
I have been wanting to write a story for this blog for a couple weeks. Things kept happening to keep me from it. The computer, that I have is about 10 years old, it has decided to do its worst. Running so slow, that I couldn't write. Shutting down in the middle of my writing and losing anything I wrote. Critical errors pop up. You name it. So for days I worked on this thing, to clean it up the best I could to get it running again. Then my husband, who hardly ever gets on, decided he would delete a bunch of things he considered useless or not needed, to help the computer run faster….he accidentally deleted my stories I was working on. Of course, I cried. But I am over it now. This day, I worked on the computer some more and it seems to be doing “okay.” So I am going to give writing a good try today.
Some of what I write, I have written and sent out in the past to some friends and family. I take some of that and add to it, change it up a little to try to make them newer for all to read and still get those stories out to those who have not read them.
So to some of you, some of these stories will be familiar.
We just started attending a fantastic church here in Harrisonburg called, Valley Church.
We really like this church a lot. We have been in prayer since we moved to this area, for a little over a year, for a home church, that best fit us as a family and our relationship with God. The best fit our beliefs and style of worship. We prayed for a church that had a pastor that preached the truth and didn't “tickle the ears of others.” One that had a heart filled with God’s love and His ways. God answered our prayers.
When I go to this church, I feel like skipping in with gladness in my heart and when it is over, I feel like skipping out with gladness in my heart. I am not kidding at all!
My family and I are so happy when Sunday comes, we can’t wait to go to church. We even watch the clock, and every now and then one of us will say, “can we go now?,” “is it time to go to church now?,” “well, lets just go ahead and go to church now.” Even if we don’t have to go just yet.
This past Sunday, I was the one lagging behind. Doing last minute this and that before getting in the car. Everyone was in the car waiting for me, even though we all decided to go 10 minutes sooner. All I kept hearing from inside the house was, HONK! HONK! HONK! Them out there banging on the horn in the car. I could hear them talking too, because the windows of the house were open and the car windows were down. “What in the world is she doing in there?” “What is taking her so long?” “See how she ALWAYS holds us up.” I was thinking, “goodness gracious, we’re even leaving 10 minutes early.” To make them happy, I hurried my hurrying. When I went out to get in the car, they had back up, pulled around, and had the passenger side door open and ready, right in front of the house door when I came out. I heard, “It is about time woman.” We weren’t even late. Just excited about going to church.
I have a plan for next Sunday though. I set it in my mind when I got in the car…I am going to be the first one out there in the car, honking the horn and hollering, even though we will be leaving early!!!!!!!!!!!
Some of you don’t know this, but I am part Cherokee. My dad’s mother was full-blooded. Well, I have learned Cherokee got a way about them, called secret revenge. Now as a Christian, I gotta be nice about it. Don’t worry, when I get out there in that car next Sunday, I will be smiling while I am honking the horn and hollering!
What gets us all happy and excited about church is, it’s not the church in its self…it is the people, the pastor, the Spirit of God is there.
Believe it or not, in some churches God is not invited in. But I can tell you this…He is invited to this church!
I am so thankful to be led and taught by a Pastor that totally seeks God with all his heart and tells the people the truth. You can feel his Christ like love for everyone. You can hear the heart of God when he preaches. This Pastor wants you to know and understand God’s love for you and His ways for your life.
Because this Pastor is this way, I can’t wait to get to know some of the people of that church!
Well, my point is…in all this is, that I plan to go to the Women’s Bible study that starts this week. Women need women. Younger women, need godly, older, graceful women to guide and teach them. To uplift them and encourage their lives, as women, as mom’s, as wives, as friends, and in all their relationships. Especially their relationship with God.
Now, it has been years since I have been to a Women’s Bible study. There are many “life happens” reasons for that.
When I went, I was the younger woman needing the guidance of the godly older women. But now I am 40..I am in between. I need to be both. I need it all.
I thought of a situation that happened some years back, when we lived in Ruther Glen. At the church we were going to then, there was a new class getting ready to begin. So I went to the introductory meeting. There were probably near 75 women there. I sat in the back. During that meeting, there was this woman, sitting in the front…in the front and center. She made herself known…she talked out a lot and had many things to say about anything that came to her mind. I was annoyed.
Toward the end of the meeting. The leader said she wanted us all to write our names and phone numbers on a piece of paper that they had handed out and for those who was interested in taking this course, we were to put these papers in a basket and then we were all going to draw one out of the basket and whose ever name we drew was to be that person’s prayer partner.
I watched that woman that was sitting front and center of the room, fill out her piece of paper with her name and phone number and put it in the basket.
I thought, “Oh my goodness, I sure hope I don’t get her as a prayer partner.”
After everyone put their information in, the basket got passed around. When it got to me, in the back, I picked my person…..or rather God did…I got her name.
Yes, the one in the front and center that talked way tooooo much about anything and everything….How did I come to know this…well, she had went to the leader to ask her if the leader knew the person who she had drawn the name of…and the leader did and pointed me out and the lady came gleefully toward me. She announced, “I got your name, I am your prayer partner!” I said, “Oh.” Thinking, my own thoughts concerning that, like, “good grief.” Well she said, “Whose name did you get?” I looked at my paper and read off the name. She jumped up and down and said, “That is me!” “We have each others name!” “We are each others prayer partner!”
Out of all the women in that room, we ended up with each other’s name.
I learned a lot about her.
I learned she was a remarkable woman, joyful and gentle…she had a sweet spirit and made a great friend and prayer partner.
I had judged her and didn’t even know her. God knew her. And God knows me and that we needed each other.
One thing I am careful of ever since then…is judging others. Especially if you don’t even know that person. We don’t know each other’s heart and how precious another person is. We don’t know that person’s story, their life, God’s plan and His touch into their life.
I don’t know what you may get out of this story. But I do hope what you get out of it is, love others. Even your family, waiting for you in the car, who is honking the horn over and over and hollering at you.
We are told to love, by our Savior, Jesus Christ. There are so many wonderful scriptures pertaining to love. Here are a few.
Galatians 5:22 ..“The fruit of the Spirit is Love….” That is the first fruit. It is an evidence that you belong to Christ.
Galatians 5:14.. “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” Don’t love yourself more than someone else. Don’t think of yourself more than someone else. Don’t think your any better than someone else.
Ephesians 5:2...”And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savor.”
Don’t allow your life to represent anything other than the lovely smell of Christ’s ways. He died and rose again because of His great love for us. Let our lives represent that love.
Proverbs 17:17...”A friend loveth at all times.”
Jesus is your friend, be a friend to others and accept them and love them with your heart.
Kim Wenrich
2 Corinathians 5:17
Psalms 139
I have been wanting to write a story for this blog for a couple weeks. Things kept happening to keep me from it. The computer, that I have is about 10 years old, it has decided to do its worst. Running so slow, that I couldn't write. Shutting down in the middle of my writing and losing anything I wrote. Critical errors pop up. You name it. So for days I worked on this thing, to clean it up the best I could to get it running again. Then my husband, who hardly ever gets on, decided he would delete a bunch of things he considered useless or not needed, to help the computer run faster….he accidentally deleted my stories I was working on. Of course, I cried. But I am over it now. This day, I worked on the computer some more and it seems to be doing “okay.” So I am going to give writing a good try today.
Some of what I write, I have written and sent out in the past to some friends and family. I take some of that and add to it, change it up a little to try to make them newer for all to read and still get those stories out to those who have not read them.
So to some of you, some of these stories will be familiar.
We just started attending a fantastic church here in Harrisonburg called, Valley Church.
We really like this church a lot. We have been in prayer since we moved to this area, for a little over a year, for a home church, that best fit us as a family and our relationship with God. The best fit our beliefs and style of worship. We prayed for a church that had a pastor that preached the truth and didn't “tickle the ears of others.” One that had a heart filled with God’s love and His ways. God answered our prayers.
When I go to this church, I feel like skipping in with gladness in my heart and when it is over, I feel like skipping out with gladness in my heart. I am not kidding at all!
My family and I are so happy when Sunday comes, we can’t wait to go to church. We even watch the clock, and every now and then one of us will say, “can we go now?,” “is it time to go to church now?,” “well, lets just go ahead and go to church now.” Even if we don’t have to go just yet.
This past Sunday, I was the one lagging behind. Doing last minute this and that before getting in the car. Everyone was in the car waiting for me, even though we all decided to go 10 minutes sooner. All I kept hearing from inside the house was, HONK! HONK! HONK! Them out there banging on the horn in the car. I could hear them talking too, because the windows of the house were open and the car windows were down. “What in the world is she doing in there?” “What is taking her so long?” “See how she ALWAYS holds us up.” I was thinking, “goodness gracious, we’re even leaving 10 minutes early.” To make them happy, I hurried my hurrying. When I went out to get in the car, they had back up, pulled around, and had the passenger side door open and ready, right in front of the house door when I came out. I heard, “It is about time woman.” We weren’t even late. Just excited about going to church.
I have a plan for next Sunday though. I set it in my mind when I got in the car…I am going to be the first one out there in the car, honking the horn and hollering, even though we will be leaving early!!!!!!!!!!!
Some of you don’t know this, but I am part Cherokee. My dad’s mother was full-blooded. Well, I have learned Cherokee got a way about them, called secret revenge. Now as a Christian, I gotta be nice about it. Don’t worry, when I get out there in that car next Sunday, I will be smiling while I am honking the horn and hollering!
What gets us all happy and excited about church is, it’s not the church in its self…it is the people, the pastor, the Spirit of God is there.
Believe it or not, in some churches God is not invited in. But I can tell you this…He is invited to this church!
I am so thankful to be led and taught by a Pastor that totally seeks God with all his heart and tells the people the truth. You can feel his Christ like love for everyone. You can hear the heart of God when he preaches. This Pastor wants you to know and understand God’s love for you and His ways for your life.
Because this Pastor is this way, I can’t wait to get to know some of the people of that church!
Well, my point is…in all this is, that I plan to go to the Women’s Bible study that starts this week. Women need women. Younger women, need godly, older, graceful women to guide and teach them. To uplift them and encourage their lives, as women, as mom’s, as wives, as friends, and in all their relationships. Especially their relationship with God.
Now, it has been years since I have been to a Women’s Bible study. There are many “life happens” reasons for that.
When I went, I was the younger woman needing the guidance of the godly older women. But now I am 40..I am in between. I need to be both. I need it all.
I thought of a situation that happened some years back, when we lived in Ruther Glen. At the church we were going to then, there was a new class getting ready to begin. So I went to the introductory meeting. There were probably near 75 women there. I sat in the back. During that meeting, there was this woman, sitting in the front…in the front and center. She made herself known…she talked out a lot and had many things to say about anything that came to her mind. I was annoyed.
Toward the end of the meeting. The leader said she wanted us all to write our names and phone numbers on a piece of paper that they had handed out and for those who was interested in taking this course, we were to put these papers in a basket and then we were all going to draw one out of the basket and whose ever name we drew was to be that person’s prayer partner.
I watched that woman that was sitting front and center of the room, fill out her piece of paper with her name and phone number and put it in the basket.
I thought, “Oh my goodness, I sure hope I don’t get her as a prayer partner.”
After everyone put their information in, the basket got passed around. When it got to me, in the back, I picked my person…..or rather God did…I got her name.
Yes, the one in the front and center that talked way tooooo much about anything and everything….How did I come to know this…well, she had went to the leader to ask her if the leader knew the person who she had drawn the name of…and the leader did and pointed me out and the lady came gleefully toward me. She announced, “I got your name, I am your prayer partner!” I said, “Oh.” Thinking, my own thoughts concerning that, like, “good grief.” Well she said, “Whose name did you get?” I looked at my paper and read off the name. She jumped up and down and said, “That is me!” “We have each others name!” “We are each others prayer partner!”
Out of all the women in that room, we ended up with each other’s name.
I learned a lot about her.
I learned she was a remarkable woman, joyful and gentle…she had a sweet spirit and made a great friend and prayer partner.
I had judged her and didn’t even know her. God knew her. And God knows me and that we needed each other.
One thing I am careful of ever since then…is judging others. Especially if you don’t even know that person. We don’t know each other’s heart and how precious another person is. We don’t know that person’s story, their life, God’s plan and His touch into their life.
I don’t know what you may get out of this story. But I do hope what you get out of it is, love others. Even your family, waiting for you in the car, who is honking the horn over and over and hollering at you.
We are told to love, by our Savior, Jesus Christ. There are so many wonderful scriptures pertaining to love. Here are a few.
Galatians 5:22 ..“The fruit of the Spirit is Love….” That is the first fruit. It is an evidence that you belong to Christ.
Galatians 5:14.. “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” Don’t love yourself more than someone else. Don’t think of yourself more than someone else. Don’t think your any better than someone else.
Ephesians 5:2...”And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savor.”
Don’t allow your life to represent anything other than the lovely smell of Christ’s ways. He died and rose again because of His great love for us. Let our lives represent that love.
Proverbs 17:17...”A friend loveth at all times.”
Jesus is your friend, be a friend to others and accept them and love them with your heart.
Kim Wenrich
2 Corinathians 5:17
Psalms 139
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