This is a true story. It really happened in my life.
I have wrote about this before…I reflect back on this event from time to time…
when I need a hug from Jesus.
I felt the Lord talk to me heart today about this story and He reminded me how attentive He is in all areas of my life. He loves His Girls and He wants you to know…that when life is overwhelming and your just exhausted from the stress. When you are overcome with the emotions that the drama of life floods upon you…He wants you to take a moment, be still and rest in His arms.
One morning I got up to get ready to go to my study group. I had been having a particularly hard week. But I was determined to go, so I can learn and grow in The Truth of what God had for my life as a mom and wife.
I was looking in the mirror at my reflection of applying makeup. I just suddenly felt this long, deep sigh develop through me from the stresses of my life. I just stopped a moment, looked into the mirror, trying to see past my reflection to see if I could find the real me through all I was feeling at that moment.
I whispered to My Lord,
“God, I could really use a hug from you today.” “Can I have a hug?”
Well that was that. I said it and went on with my day forgetting the moment.
I got to the Women’s Bible Study.
I was late. I have never been late before. I liked to get there early so I can get my “usual seat” and sit with my “particular group of friends,” in the back of the room. We liked to chat a little before class started.
(Don’t you know, Jesus knew this about me too, because there is nothing about my life that misses his attention and care)
When I got there that morning, I had no seat. The Room Was Packed.
There was barely standing room only.
I looked at my sweet friends at the back table, where I “usually sit,” and they whispered, “Sorry,” with a little frown, to show me they cared.
I shrugged and walked forward to try and find somewhere to sit.
I saw one seat open, in the very front row…Next to people I didn’t know.
It surprised me that it was left open, considering women were standing up, against the walls.
It was like that seat was meant for only me!
I felt compelled and drawn to sit there.
Like a magnet pulling me toward that very seat.
The music started and we all began to worship and sing.
A song came on that I really liked and I began to sing. I closed my eyes and raised my hands to my God. Just loving on Him from my heart.

I suddenly saw myself……like a movie being played in the theater of my mind.
I saw myself as a little girl about 5 years old with long wispy blonde hair, in a little white dress, barefooted, running in a lushish, deep green field. Nearby was a Great Oak Tree full of the most beautiful branches and leaves. No shadows. There was light all around in an incredible blue sky. No clouds.

I began to run to him. I knew this man. I knew he loved me and I loved him too.
We ran and met each other.
He picked me up and hugged me tight…smiling the whole time with a pure and perfect love for me.
I opened my eyes. I was in the Bible Study group. But I was being HELD. Yes, HUGGED. The woman to my left, had grabbed me and held me and didn’t let go.
In my mind, in the deep place of truth in my heart…She was being Jesus.
In my arms, she was Jesus to me. I got my hug.
She held me for the longest time and I could feel everything I felt as I experienced in the vision of my mind. It poured into my spirit.
I was overcome by this great act of love.
I began to weep in this wondrous moment.
A month or so later. I went to a Women’s Retreat…with this Bible Study group.
I saw the woman there. She was sitting at a table with another lady.
I decided to go introduce myself and tell her what happened, that day…I got a hug from Jesus.
She looked at me and amazement filled her countenance.
She said to me, “You know it is the oddest thing.” “I was standing there worshipping God and all at once, He tells my spirit, “Grab that women next to you and hug her and don’t let go.” “Now.”
I told her that was at that exact moment, when in my vision Jesus had grabbed me and held me. I thought you were Him.
Guess what…She Was.

We are Jesus eyes. We are His arms. We are His ears.
We are His feet. We are His.
Did you know, whenever you, “Do it to the least of these, you do it unto Him?”
Let us be open and aware to hear Him say to our hearts and to move our spirits, to love on someone with His love.
With His comfort. With His joy. With His healing touch.
Hug someone today, and don’t let go until You feel better.
Kim Wenrich
Psalm 139
Corinthians 5:17
kim, I see this posting is 2 years old, but I hope you'll read that I had a similar experience many years ago. I prayed that I would feel God's arms around me, & thru an amazingly gifted (in the Spirit) woman, He answered me, also, when I least expected it in a very moving & powerful way. God is good! His word will not return empty without accomplishing what He desires. (annie)
ReplyDeleteThis made me cry! I was looking for a picture of Jesus hugging a person in the clouds to encourage my mom who has dementia. She loves Jesus and it is so hard to see her like this. I saw this picture on images in google and then when I clicked on it I got to your sight. Thank you for this story. It has touched me in many ways as I reflect on my own life. Sending another "sister in the Lord" hug to you! Love, Kelly
ReplyDeleteKim your story is so beautiful. I've been going through a terrible patch in my life due to something bad I've done in the past. The past has now come to haunt me an d destroy lives and all day I've been talking to God. I've been crying and feeling really low when I felt that i needed a Jesus hug. And as silly as it seemed to be I googled how to get a hug from Jesus and I came across your story which got me crying even more. I know God has forgiven me and I will get my Jesus hug. Thank you so much for sharing your story.
ReplyDeleteI also got a Jesus hug about 11 years ago, in a near death experience. He showed me a part of heaven, everything was gold and glowing, like everything was lit up and there were no shadows, and almost everything had a transparency to it, it was beautiful. Then he forced me to kneel to him and bow my head. And after a few minutes, he picked me up and hugged me. I felt an explosion of love, joy, peace, happiness and a sensation of warm lava going through my soul. It felt so good, tears started falling from my eyes.i kept trying to talk but no words would come out.. and then he said something inside my mind, he says, “just a little while longer.” Idk what he meant but I know he keeps his promises and he’s a good God ❤️🪽 I haven’t had a vision since that day and I miss Him so much but I’m trying to be strong and endure my trials each day . One day we will meet with him again 🙏❤️
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