They stop at where he is…In Front of you. He covers you with His strong wings. Nothing can penetrate through Him to get to you.
Hide under His wings for shelter, for refuge. He will protect your life, your heart, your soul, your mind. He is your Rescuer.
He will not leave you during these times. He takes it all unto Himself for your sake.
This is Beautiful..... The Story is a true story...As you read this story , my hope is that you will think in your heart, how wonderful your Father's Love is for you....He did die for you and put you under His wings...Today, He lives for you, and wants you to keep safe in His care and love.
God's Wings
After a forest fire in Yellowstone National Park , forest rangers began their trek up a mountain to assess the inferno's damage. One ranger found a bird literally petrified in ashes, perched statuesquely on the ground at the base of a tree. Somewhat sickened by the eerie sight, he knocked over the bird with a stick. When he gently struck it, three tiny chicks scurried from under their dead mother's wings. The loving mother, keenly aware of impending disaster, had carried her offspring to the base of the tree and had gathered them under her wings, instinctively knowing that the toxic smoke would rise. She could have flown to safety but had refused to abandon her babies. Then the blaze had arrived and the heat had scorched her small body, the mother had remained steadfast...because she had been willing to die, so those under the cover of her wings would live. '
He will cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you will find refuge.'
(Psalm 91:4)
Mother Birds watch out for their young. Never letting them out of her sight.
Her little babies wondering a little from her, but stay within her view.
When a predator or danger is approaching…She senses it quickly and calls out to her young. Immediately they run to her and she runs to them, gathering them close to her. She spreads her wings and they safely go under her. She takes her stand and she stands strong, full of courage. Nothing will take her babies, nothing will harm them. She will die to save them.
God created this to happen. What a wonderful reality of Who He Is to us. In the Word, He directs us to Hide under the Shelter of His Wings.
When there is impending danger…as Children of God, we don’t always see it coming. But The Lord keeps watch over His own. The Holy Spirit sends out a urgent forceful call to your heart…”Come Quickly My Child! Danger Is Approaching You!”
He runs to you, trying to gather you unto Himself to keep you safe.
Sometimes, His babies, don’t listen. Sometimes they go off on their own…thinking, “I can do this.”
The enemy of our souls, seeks to kill, steal and destroy God’s Children.
But You have a Helper. You have a God that Rescues you.
When you choose to run and hide under His wings for safety…when the fiery storm of your life is over…when the danger has subside, you come out, untouched from the harm and devastation it could have caused you. You come out and He is still with you and then He gathers you into His arms. He refreshes you with His Perfect Life Giving Love for you.
Giving you new strength, a stronger faith and ability.
Carrying you to a new place.
Songs for heart.......
Shadow of Your Wings youtube video song
When God Ran youtube video song
Kim Wenrich
Psalm 139
Corinthians 5:17
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Gods-Girls-Most-Honorable-and-Beautiful-Among-All-Women/248867505178819
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