This is a true story…it just happened.
Have you ever been out with your child or seen a child…waiting to see Santa claus at The Mall? Have you ever noticed how they get so excited about seeing him? They can’t wait to see him, sit in his lap and tell them there desires of the things the dream of having.
They see him in the parade and point at him as he is coming down the road in their direction…”Look Mom, there He is!” They are jumping up and down. Over and over they say, as He draws nearer….”Here He comes!”
They know Him, when they see him. The anticipate seeing Him. They hardly can wait.
The other day…I was out with my sweet friend, Sue at a thrift store and we saw a beautiful picture of Jesus…
She said, “Isn’t this picture of Jesus so beautiful?” “I just love pictures of Jesus.”

I looked at it and my heart stirred with a instant connection to The One we were looking at.
I was filled with Joy and an excitement.
I felt a bubble of happiness rise up within me and fill me from the bottom of my feet to the top of my head.

I wanted to do the two step right there in the store.
I pointed at that picture.
I exclaimed out loud, “I Know Him!” “I Know Him!”
I can see Him in others too. Just look into the eyes of one of His. You will see Him.
He is beautiful. They are beautiful.
The beauty of Jesus, sets them apart from everyone else...
From those who do not know Him.
I see Him in my friends eyes all the time.
Those who know Him, shine with His love in their eyes.
There countenance, glows with a beauty that is alive and reaches out
and touches your heart.
I have a friend named Dell, that lives a few hours away…we have been friends for many years…
We have not be able to see each other in quite some time.
God laid me on her heart this week. She wrote me and told me how much I mean to her and how much she misses me. Her words touched me deeply.
I cried as I read her precious words of love toward me.
Normally my son brings in the mail.
Today…I saw the mail coming. I happened to be outside when it came.
I saw the mail lady put a package in the box. I got curious.
As I started to walk over, my step quickened. I felt compelled, like a magnet pulling me to go to the mailbox.
The package was addressed to me, from my friend Dell. I got so excited.
In it was a wooden plaque with a quote on it.
Instantly…my mind replayed the moment in the store. “I KNOW HIM!”
I know Him and He knows me.
The Lord said to my heart, “I delighted in you, for the love you have for me.”
“You are mine and I am yours.”
I am like the child that can’t wait to see “Him.” But see, my “Him,” is Jesus!

I take Joy in my King. I anticipate Him. I can’t wait to see Him.
I look for Him to come my way.
And every time I look in the eyes of one of His, I see Him.
I Love you, Lord, and I lift my voice to woship you, Oh my soul rejoice!
Take joy, my King, in what you hear....
May it be a sweet, sweet sound in your ear.
This is the link to the song...I Love You Lord.
Please click on it or copy & paste it to your browser
and listen to it.
I promise it will bless your heart. :) <3

Kim Wenrich
2 Corinthians 5:17
Psalm 139
I remember that day!