Friday, October 15, 2010

The Game. What is your war cry?

The Game.

What is your war cry?

Today…I was spending some time with God. Praying and reading His Word.
Praise and worship music playing in the background. I sat quietly for a little bit, reflecting on my time with Him. My heart began to be stirred deep inside for the love I feel for Him. I began to feel an overflowing of complete gratefulness to have such a wonderful God in my life that cares so much about me.
I said in my heart, “God, today would be a good day to write a story for the blog.”
“What could I write today Lord?”
I remembered about this I wrote this story some years back…when X-Box first came out, I had titled it, The Game.
My son and my husband were my inspiration to write it because of their shenanigans while they played it together.
I read it over. I said in my heart to God, “There is a spiritual side to this Lord, help me share this silly story and how this story can compare to our spiritual life and our relationship with you.”
So here it goes….

The Game

They played that game all the time. Every moment they got a chance to.
I have HAD to hide the game from them a time or two. Being the “good wife and mom” that I am, I could see that their playing it too much was sucking the brains right out of their heads. The reason that I know this is, because, whenever I spoke to them while they were playing the game, they couldn’t see me or hear me.

At one point they started to turn on each other and didn’t know why.
"You Cheated!” I’d hear. “Stop firing your weapon at me!”
"Get out of my way!” (and they would be sitting right next to each other)
This became their native language. But you see, they didn’t know it, but I could see into their twisted little made up world. They thought their game world was protected and secure. There were times when one of them would actually come away from that world to cry or fuss about the other one…over…”The Game.”
When I responded, the shock of hearing my voice made them realize they were not in their world anymore and MUST go back before they could never return.
They couldn’t help it really, The Game had messed with their head and distorted their reality. I understood that by what I was seeing.
They needed my help and fast….before it was too late!

If a person came by the house and didn’t know they were playing “The Game”…they could think we had a violent home!!! I didn’t want anyone to get “that” idea at all.
So one fine day, I pulled the plug. When they discovered this…I had to prepare myself for a battle. I put on my gear. Helmet, shield, combat boots and camouflage. I took a deep breath and fought the good fight. They went away from me, hurt and wounded. But they will survive. They had withdrawal symptoms pretty bad at first. But like all addicts, they felt better after awhile. The first few days, were hard for them. They would ask….”So where did you hide it?” “Hide what!” I’d say.
“Yooooou knooooow!” They would say.
I said, “I don’t know, do you?” They would give me a confused look each time. This went on just like that for a few days. Nothing else really said.
I expected them to be confused for awhile.

After a few days of this test of my combat capabilities, they got a little more aggressive.
See, they were trained professionals…”The Game” had taught them combat strategies and maneuvers. It knew one day it would be challenged and it had to equip it’s enlisted for that moment.
“WHERE Is The Game?!” “I WANT The Game!” “I AM Going To Play The Game!!” They would demand like this of me for the next few days.
I would just shake my head at them, feeling sorry for them and reassure them by telling them, “you’ll be fine.” “you’ll be just fine.”

I had been declared the enemy in their little minds.
But I knew in a few more days after the withdrawals were over and The Game left their system, they again would gain brain activity and be able to think clear. The Game would not be constantly beckoning them into its world anymore then.
It has been a while since anyone has mentioned “The Game.”
Could it be, they are finally free of its hold?
I pray so. I really pray so.
I have since returned “The Game.” It has been a while since I did. I am relieved to say. I have had no signs of having to prepare for the next mission.
I know this is a crazy story. But guess what it is true. All true. These were true events and words. All said and all done within my household.
(names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved)
Just kidding
I didn’t mention any names, anyhow.
But hey, if you think this was about two kids…nope, it wasn’t. It was my husband and my son. This happened and they stay at it to this day.
But The Game has evolved. It is smarter, faster and seems to have a mind of its own. Now, It has gathered reinforcements. I hear loud shouts and cries from my son’s bedroom from time to time. When I look in to make sure all is well, any where from 3 to 4 new faces turn to look at who is standing in the door way, invading their protected combat territory, trying to decide if I am foe or friend. I see a new story in my future!

What is our war cry?
Do we find our voice when things in our lives are morally and spiritually wrong?

We need to stand up to the wrong around us and equip ourselves for battle. The Word of God clearly tells us to do so.
Will we let the ways of this world take over our thoughts and behaviors?

As Christians we are to be light unto this world. Shinning for all to see. Others need to see Jesus in us. In all we do. Even the little things. I have come to understand that people watch the little things more than the big things in the lives of Christians, of those who say they are God’s child.
Our little things, speak very big things to the hearts of others.

Here is another thought…when we think we are alone, we are not. If you are a Child of God, Jesus is always with you. He will never leave you or forsake you. The Holy Spirit is constantly at work in your heart, searching the things of your heart out.
But do know this, there is a war going on for you all the time. All the time. A spiritual war. The principalities of the air, of hell, want you…they want to keep you from a relationship with God and are doing everything to stop you constantly. The angels of God fight for you. You are that precious and priceless.

The enemy of our souls don’t fight for those that belong to him, why should he, he already has them. But he will do all he can to keep anybody from knowing God and having a relationship with God.

Have you ever seen a movie that has to do with fighting between good and evil?
Imagine that 10 times more so. That is what is going on just for you.

God fights for you.
There is power in prayer. Never forget that.

Romans 12 :2 tells us to not be conformed to this world. To be renewed in our minds, prove what is good and acceptable to God.

Romans 8: 36, 37 and 38 Tells us we are not loved by this world and that we are conquerors through Jesus who has loved us.

Ephesians 6:11 through18 is awesome to read. Take time to read that one through. It tells us how to stand strong and how to win the war of our mind, spirit and body.

1 Timothy 6:11 and 12 tells us to fight the good fight of faith.

1 Thessalonians 5:8 Have faith and love on your breastplate and wear the helmet of salvation.

Psalms 46:1 We never have to fear or feel worried that we can’t stand. It says, God is our refuge and strength and helps us every time we need Him and ask Him to help.

James 5:16 Tells the righteous of God, those that are His. That our prayers are effectual and availed much.

Never stop praying. Never stop doing good. Let you light shine. Let your prayers be your war cry.
Hide the Word in your heart so that you may not sin against God.
Psalms 119:11
Don’t hide the sin. Don’t play with it either.

He loves you and wants good for you all the days of your life.
It is time, we put on our combat gear and fight the good fight. Turn our faces toward God and fall on our knees to the One that restores life to us.

We need to stand in the gap as prayer warriors for our loved ones and friends. For the hurting and damaged. Lifting our hands high to the one that sweeps in like a mighty rushing wind to those who call on Him with their whole heart.

Oh My God! I love you! You alone are grace and mercy for our lives. You are the Mighty One. The Holy One. In You I put all my trust.
God, may we get serious about you and the ways of you into our lives. Lord, send your Holy Spirit to burn our hearts within us. So that we clearly see you.
Protect our hearts and mind from the evil one. Create in us a clean heart Oh God and renew a right spirit with us.

Kim Wenrich
2 Corinthians 5:17
Psalms 139

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