Beautiful Is His Love
I wake and see all that suppresses me. The burdens of this world are heavy daily.
“Oh God, I cry out to You. I need You.”
You say to my heart,
“My Child give everything to Me. I will carry you.”
I slide down the side of my bed and rest on my knees.
“I lift my hands to You, Oh My God. I do put all my trust in You.”
I have sweet time with my Savior.
I refuse to live this day without Him.
One moment with Him on Earth, is a time of eternity in Heaven.

You hear me and receive my heart’s words to Your Prefect Heart of Love toward me.
“I feel You Lord. I know You are with me.”
My spirit is quick to respond to His presence.
I hear You say to Your Beloved…..
“My Child, I love you with a love that never ends. I know what is in your heart.
I see the deep things no man can see. All because of My great Love for you.
You are mine and You belong to Me. I paid the price for you.
I delight in calling you My Own.
You are so precious to me and You are beautiful.”
I say to Him,
“Lord, I am so full of failure. I make so many mistakes.
Life is hurting me and I feel like it pulls me away from getting close to you.
You are so good and so true. How can You just take me as I am like this?”
My Lord tells my heart,
“Oh My Beautiful One….I have covered you with my own shed blood.
I see no stain on you. My blood claims you as Mine.
The scars I have, I did it all for you.
You have run away from me. You have pulled away ….not understanding.

But I reveal to you the deep things of Me, to your spirit, heart and mind
as you run back to My arms.”

“I see every tear and every worry. I know your hurt and the ones who have hurt you.
I know who they are that have caused you pain.
I want you to forgive them and let go of the pain.
My Love for you will be released inside your heart and pour out in stronger ways throughout your life."
"Trust Me.”
I say to My Lord,
"Oh Father, I hear You. Oh My God, It hurts.
The very core of my heart is in a tight knot of pain.
My tears fall hard and my heart grips tighter with each tear.
I can’t let it go on my own. Help me My Father.

Touch my heart and give me the strength to let go of those things not meant for me to carry.”

My Lord says,
“I see your scars and wounds…I am The One to touch those places in your life, with a gentle, perfect healing. I see your brokenness and I will make you whole.
Let me set you free, and let me restore your joy to you once again.”
I say to My Lord,
“Lord, I have been in a season of sadness and pain for far too long.

My tears have flowed and my heart has ached, day and night.
This Season has been a long one for me.
I give it all to You now.”
“That season is over and now I know, You and I are in a new season.
You are restoring the inside of me, in a new-ness I have never known before.
Oh God I ask You to search my heart and remove my deep pain, hurt, resentments."
"Oh My Father, draw me close to You.
I don’t want to do anything without You near me.
You preserve me O My Father.
I am so captivated by You, My God.
Yet You are The One that says, that I am captivating to You.
You stir in my spirit with beautiful thoughts of the things that You are.
Oh How Beautiful is such a love as this, that You and I share.
I only want to know You more. You draw me to Your light."
"When I rise up, you are near and when I lay down You are with me."
"Your Love is so complete and so full, that everything about my life is important to Your care.
You give very close attention to the details of everything that concerns me.
Keep me sensitive Lord, so that I may be sensitive.
Keep me joyful Lord, that I may be joyful.
Fill me with Your Precious Holy Spirit, so that I may be full.”

I see no stain on you.
You are beautiful and without fault in my eyes.
You are pure and innocent to me.
Your scars and pain will no longer be in your heart.
I will cause you to know My Love in those places, instead.
My Love is replacing all that harmed you.
You are Mine. I Love You with an Everlasting Love.
There is no power on Earth to separate you from Me.”
Kim Wenrich
Psalm 139
Corinthians 5:17
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