Take One Step To Move Forward
This is a True Story.
It really happened during worship, this Morning at church
in Harrisonburg VA.
I am forever changed. Forever.
I am standing just inside the edge of the place not meant for me anymore.
That place is hurt, pain and damage….a place of stones and hard ground.
Not too many new things are growing there. There are patches of green areas of life…but so many spaces between those places and the hard places.
Life does get through though.
Things God wants for me and has planned for me, come alive in those dry spaces…becoming miracles for different seasons of my life.
Poking and breaking through the pain and hurt.

I have been on a journey. A journey to The Place He has for me.
A Land that flows with living water, fresh new things. Joy and Dancing. Life and Freedom.
Today I came to the end of that land I have been traveling. I can see, what is ahead of me and I want to be there.
Both my feet are standing together, side by side. All I have to do is take a step.
One Step. To Move Forward.
Yet I am reserved. I look back at the life I know.
But my attention is drawn to look forward. I hear Him.
“Kim. Take One Step. I will take the rest for you. I know it is hard. I know you hurt.
I know how much strength you have and how much you can and can not carry.
You are at the place of choice To Move Forward.
Kim, Take One Step.”
“Lord, I see You there. Yet I feel you right here at this land’s edge.”
“I can’t do this without you. I don’t want to without you.”
My heart aches inside. The hurt reminds me of how it has been a very close acquaintance. That it has been comfortable inside me. Hurt says, “Look back at what has been done to you. There has been too much trauma. Just let me sleep inside you and you wont feel it, I will cause you to become dull to the pain.”
I look back. I take a step back.
“Kim, I Am singing you a love song. Come to Me My Precious Child.
I have Life for you and more abundantly.
I saw you take that step back. I know your fear. I know it hurts.
But I Am still only asking you to take One Step Forward. I will do the rest.”
“Leave the past. Let the dead bury the dead. I have life for you.
I have new things for you and new ground for your journey toward My Kingdom.
I make all things new.”
I take that weak, slow Step Forward. One Step Forward.
“Okay God, I did it.” “Help me now, to journey with You in new things, in a new life, in new land.”
I look forward, further than I ever looked back. I see the light shining in the distance…The light moves and shines all over the land prepared for me.

Everywhere The Light touches…Life Happens. Even the lush green grass is shining.
The Light is near. The Light is Running.
The Light Captures Me and collides dramatically and sweetly into my mind, flowing to my heart and filling the core of my spirit in my belly.
I can feel the hard places of hurt, pain, damage, abuse, lies break away and be consumed by The Light.
I lift my hands. I turn my face to The Son…He Shines Brightly In Me Now.

I am free.
Who The Son sets free is free indeed.
Moving Forward
Moving Forward
I’m not going back, I’m moving ahead
I’m here to declare to You, my past is over
In You, old things are made new
Surrendered my life to Christ
I’m moving, moving forward
What a moment You have brought me to
Such a freedom I have found in You
You’re the healer who makes all things new
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
You have risen with all power in Your hands
You have given me a second chance
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
You make all things new
You make all things new
I will follow You forward

Kim Wenrich
Psalm 139