When I am afraid…I will trust in Him
“God” I say in a tiny whisper…I need you…I am afraid.
To calm the storms around my life.
He knows…I am afraid. He quickly stands,
after I call to Him and says to the things in my life….”Be Still.”
But what happens is deeper…my heart begins to Be Still too.
My mind settles on thoughts of His love and care for me.
I take a moment and rest in this miracle…that no man can do for me.
I take a moment and rest in this miracle…that no man can do for me.
I can not see Him with my eyes…But I feel Him in my heart.
I feel His touch into the deepest parts of my being.
Nothing can take those places…there is no room for anything else.
Those places belong to Him only.

No intruders, allowed. I call to Him and Him alone.
He rescues me from all my troubles and lifts me to higher grounds.
He is my Shelter and my Refuge.
When I call out to my Lord, in a whisper or in a loud cry, even if I just say His name… He is with me.
As I draw near to Him…He runs to me!
God I am giving You the weakest and most fragile parts of myself.
I am trusting You with my life.
With the things that concern my heart.
The things that weigh heavy on my mind, in the night.
You Oh God, in You, I do put my trust.
I think of You, My God and I am overwhelmed with The Love that You are for me.
I understand that this kind of overwhelmed feelings is not like the world.
This overwhelmed feeling is not of this earth and connects me deeply with The Heart of My God.
I fall to my knees in His attainable overwhelming presence
and He captures me.
That is the place I want to be.
Nothing can separate me from Your Love.
You refresh me and quicken my spirit.
I am able to arise and pursue the day, with You by my side, lighting my path and watching my footsteps.
I whisper Your name…”Father.”
You answer me…”My Daughter.” But when You say my name…it is with such complete acceptance and love….when You speak my name, it is said with Your Perfect Love for me. “Kim, My Daughter.”
To hear your heart like this, forever changes mine. I am ruined to hear my name in any other tone.
I can not ever be the same again.
When you are afraid, who do you trust?
It is so hard to trust someone with deep feelings such of these. God can do what no man can.
Kim Wenrich
Psalm 139
2 Corinthians 5:17