It Was A Good Moment
The other day I was reminded of how attentive my God is to me.
I wanted to share that with you.
My husband and I were in the car discussing Christmas a few days ago.
It seems the older the child, the more expensive the requests get.
The wishes seems shorter, but the cost seems more.
I remember when my son was 3, 4 and 5 years old. I found great deals at thrift stores. Incredibly, what he wanted I usually found there and could make them look clean and new. I would wrap them up and put them under the tree. He was so excited and happy with those things. He would open them up and be wide eyed and filled with joy. Giving us hugs and thank yous. Saying, “this is the best Christmas ever,” in those little years. He’d play for hours until he feel asleep right there by the tree on the floor.
Oh the memories. It was a good moment.
Our best memories were at this little house we lived at in Ruther Glen. We lived there from when my son was 3 until he was nearly 8 years old.
Every one of those Christmas’ there, is remembered in our hearts.
We talk often of them at this time each year, with smiles and with tears of gratitude in our hearts.
I remember one in particular that will never leave my heart. It was our first year at the little house. My husband and I got up early, before light.
He started a fire in the wood stove. I turned on the Christmas lights on the tree and on the green garland across our entry way between the living room and the kitchen. I lit some candles and together my husband and I started coffee and breakfast. Our sweet little boy, 3 years old, still sleeping all snug and cozy in his bed.
My husband’s birthday is the same date as Christmas day. So this day is extra special to us.
As my husband and I were in the kitchen finishing up with things, we planned to call his parents to come over before Jonathan was awake, so they could see him when he gets up and starts his Christmas adventures. What a joy for us all to share in that moment together.
Before David called them, he and I prayed together. We held hands in the kitchen and bowed our heads. We asked our God to be apart of this wonderful day. We asked Him to bless the day and to keep in our hearts the real reason we were celebrating this day.
To make it alive and real in our hearts and to each one there that day.
We thanked Him for Jesus and giving His only Son for us. We asked Him to bless our time together with our family.
As my husband said Amen. We began to feel something extraordinary. Suddenly the room felt warmer, more bright and we could even smell the goodness of our Lord as He swept His Holy Spirit around us like a hug and moved into our hearts the reality of His love and sweetness for us. We could not help but stand there in that Holy moment.
We thanked Him for this out loud and our hearts filled will wonder and excitement like we have never felt before.
It was a good moment.
Each Christmas after that, had the same atmosphere for us there at the little house.
Until we moved.
Each year since we moved…I think back.
I want to recapture that time in my mind.
That experience. No man can give us that experience we had there.
It came from our God, not man.
I carry it in my heart wherever I go.
That Holy moment is within me, my son and husband.
God takes good care of His own.
So whoever is reading this, you maybe wealthy, poor or just making it. I don’t know.
It doesn’t make you better or worse for it. If you are a child of God, you have the perfect gift to offer and that would be Jesus. It was paid for by a price that can never be repaid. The most valuable of gifts is Jesus. Let us focus on what Christmas really means.
Not in what we can buy and get.
God will take care of you in the ways that you need Him to. Need a job, food, needs met,
ask The Great I Am. He does greater things then these.
Just the other day…my now 16 year old son, was excited about putting up a tree this year.
He talked about it for 3 weeks. He wanted a 6 foot multi color pre-lit white tree.
Kind of specific huh? He wanted to put it up the day after Thanksgiving.
Due to circumstances beyond our control, we did not have the money to get him a tree. We talked to him and told him, “maybe by the week of Christmas we would see what we could do.”
I know there are people that put up their trees even on Christmas eve.
But Jonathan is different. He is a Christmas person. He is thinking about Christmas in November and playing Christmas music all the time. He is just that way.
I had just had surgery in the beginning of November, I was in no mood for anything.
I am just wanting to heal and get over myself and my crazy hormonal emotions.
But I got my boy to think of. So I pray.
I don’t know when, but apparently some time ago, I mentioned buying Jonathan that tree he wanted to my friends right down at the bottom of our driveway.
They showed up the night before Thanksgiving with a new 6 foot white multi-colored pre-lit tree for my boy. What a beautiful surprise. It brought tears to our eyes.
We were so touched by their generous gift.
Jonathan was so excited and happy about it. I knew he would put it up as soon as possible. Before I knew it, he had the tree up and our Christmas boxes of decorations everywhere. Things scattered and pulled out.
You see, I know God spoke to their hearts for us. I just know He did that. And they responded to His prompting to love on us.
God uses us all in different ways for all kinds of reasons.
We are to love one another, show generosity. To be kind and thoughtful.
Can you put those things in a box and wrap them up? No, but you can give it away from your heart. Priceless.
As we are going about this season with whatever is on our minds…lets not forget to let our hearts speak to us. In all circumstances, let peace and love abound.
Sometimes all someone else might need, truly need is a hug or a kind word.
Let someone go in line in front of you. Hold open a door. Move a grocery basket to the right place that someone left thoughtlessly in the middle of the parking lot.
So what if it is not yours.
If you see a person that has pretty hair, a nice shirt on, or a nice smile, tell them so.
Think a minute or two before you go out into your day…sit in your car and ask God to bless your day and to help you see with His eyes today, to see others as He sees them, to help you watch out for someone to bless.
I have heard before, that a kind word has spoke healing into the lives of others and also I have heard a kind word or act has even saved a life. You just never know. But God does. Trust Him to lead your heart to love others.
Buy lunch or dinner for someone you don’t know. Someone you don’t know. Let me repeat, how about someone you don’t know. Let your heart speak to you.
Let the God of all gods lead you toward goodwill to others.
I know this has got long…but I want to tell you one other story.
Last year in early November, I had $20 left from my budget until pay day.
I said in my heart, “God, I know I only have $20 left…but I really want to have a good meal with my son out today. I really want to go to Cracker Barrel for dinner.”
(God knows that is my favorite)
I said, “God, I hadn’t been keeping much down and I know a good meal from there would hit the spot and I would get to have some quality time with my son.”
Well I went and picked him up from school that afternoon when school let out.
I announced to him. “Guess what, you and I are going to Cracker Barrel for dinner!”
He said, “Can I get what I want.” “I want to eat until I am full.”
(he has always said that)
I said, “Absolutely.”
So we went. We had good conversation and good food. We talked about memories of him as a kid. Of what he was like when he was little and how he is such a joy to his dad and I.
I thanked him for being good and for trying to live a life that pleased God.
I sang to him a song, my mom used to sing to me, “You are my sunshine.”
We even played a paper game, the one called the dot game. You try to see who can connect the dots to get the most boxes. We had a nice time. We talked about so many things and ate well. I didn’t even get sick. I felt refreshed. It was a good moment.
Later I noticed the waitress never brought us our check.
You know, they always put it on the table after they give you your food.
We were way done. So I asked the waitress for the check.
She said, “Oh, I forgot, your ticket has been taken care of. It has been paid.”
“What!” My mouth was wide open in amazement. I looked at my son, he was grinning ear to ear.
I said to her, “Can I know who took care of us?”
She said, “The kind people that was sitting right next to you.”
They were gone.
I tried to rack my brains to think if I saw them, or even noticed them.
I did remember. Because when we sat down. I remember seeing a couple that may have been in their 50’s and I noticed they had a big spread of a harvest type meal.
I remember thinking, “that sure looks nice.”
I said to the waitress, “Well I don’t know who to thank, so I will thank God.”
“Thank you God.” “That was sure nice of you to take care of us like that.”
That was a good moment.
Ever since then I look for an opportunity to return that kind act.
It is harder for me, because I have agoraphobia and panic/anxiety disorder. I don’t go out much. But my husband sure does. He has loved on many people. Even given his own lunch away.
We all should, just do our best to love on others.
That can be our gift to Jesus this season.
Kim Wenrich
2 Corithians 5:17
Psalms 139
I write true and inspirational stories about God in my life. All the seasons of my life. I want to encourage you to know how He cares about you and every detail of your life. I pray before I write. I write with gratitude and thanksgiving for such a wonderful God, who loves me and you so very much. He is my life's breath and I am so in love with my God. I want the stories that I write to reflect the love in my heart for Him and you.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
I've Got Your Back
I’ve Got Your Back
Have you ever wondered what that means?
I have. Many times I wondered what that means after the first time I heard it a few years ago.
It may mean different things for different people.
It may mean nothing to some, being no one has ever had your back.
It meant nothing to me for a long time. I didn’t know someone could have your back.
I have a past. A very sad one and hurt filled one. Filled with emotional, mental, physical and sexual abuse. Who had my back? All those years, who?
Those who said they loved me, did this abuse to my life.
So who did I trust to have my back?
I only knew two things. There was God. He did in fact love me and I prayed to Him all the time.
During those sad times, I cried a lot. But it was between me and God. No one knew I cried. I didn’t let anyone see my pain, my hurt.
I kept my face emotionless. I gave no one the satisfaction of knowing how they were murdering my heart and crushing my spirit into dried bones.
God knew though. That was enough for me.
I still didn’t know who had my back.
Others told me, how to be worthy of their love.
Others told me, how to think.
Others told me, “You are stupid.” “No one wants you.” “You are worthless.” “Don’t speak, you say stupid things.” ‘You’re ugly.” My rapist said, “You are only good for one thing.”
I believed every word. Told to me daily and nightly.
My insides screamed. But my face was stone.
God did rescue me. He did have my back.
A Knight in Shining Armor came to the aide of this damsel in distress, when I was at the tender age of 19.
My Knight drove a car that was a white mustang.
My knight is my husband today.
I married my Knight in Shining Armor, My Hero, My Rescuer.
For this Princess, God made a fairy tale come true.
God used my husband to show me love, true love, tenderness, romance, kindness and he guided me into a love relationship with God through these actions.
My husband, was patient and tolerant of me. I had to learn to trust. Learn what was a lie and what was the truth. This man said beautiful words to my heart.
He said, “You are worthy.” “You are beautiful.” “I love you.” “I want to keep you.”
He gave me my first candle light dinner. My first movie. My first run in the park, hand and hand. He put flowers in my hair and stared in my eyes. He wrote me poems and sung soft love songs in my ears.
I learned to cry tears of joy. I learned to cry tears of pain and sorrow in front of others.
To laugh out loud, to have an opinion, to love and to trust.
God used this man to help heal my heart. To save my life.
I can honestly say, when it really counted, My husband had my back then.
In between then and now, there was times of real trail and error. Pain and hurt and hard circumstances in our marriage. Even the question, would we get divorced, in some very difficult, hurting times. Times when he stole back my trust and put my love for him to the ultimate test. He didn’t have my back and allowed others to hurt me all over again in mental twisted ways. I fell under the abuse so easily. Being destroyed all over again.
I also knew how to handle these hard times. That was my life experience.
I was a professional at handling those things. I cried in secret, put on the emotionless stone face and screamed inside myself.
I can walk those type of walks.
I never doubted the love though. I had felt it and it had changed me before. I never once thought we would not recover.
There are times God Himself rescued us, as one. It took time…but God worked on the foundation that love built between us.
In has only been in the last couple of years…that I have the husband that I only dreamt was possible.
We are more in love now than ever before. God has made our love brand new, sweet and He matured it. Through the years, we learned together and did a lot of weed pulling from our own hearts, and still do. We continue to learn how to be the husband and wife God has planned for each of us to be to one another.
It is very important to have a strong relationship with God no matter what the circumstances.
God is the best back watcher I have ever known.
It may seem easy to give up. But actually to me, that is the hardest thing to do. So I fight to not give up.
I will never give up on my husband, my God or my faith. I have lost too much in life.
Those things will remain.
I often wondered why in the world did God put us together. I understood that this year, this past summer.
It is because we needed each other. God knew exactly what He was doing.
God had our backs.
He still does.
God is the author of having your back.
He is a Promise Keeper. He is The Healer and Restorer. Teacher and Life Giver.
He gave me the best person in the whole world to watch my back even if at times in my life he wasn‘t, he was a work in progress. God still had it covered.
I also learned how to watch his back.
We are a team. It will soon be 21 years of marriage and 23 years together. Those years has taught us how to be a team. God had our backs.
There has been times of hurting each other’s feelings and hearts. Times of loving. Times of changing. Times of growing. Times of crying and times of laughter. Times apart. Times together. In any of those times when we didn’t have each other’s backs, God had our backs.
Recently I was spending time with my Aunt Cindi and I was fussing about ‘things” concerning my husband. “He didn’t do this.“ “He doesn’t do that.“ “Can you believe he did, blah, blah.“
She turned to me and said, “You know, I feel sorry for him right now…your fussing so much about him right now and he doesn’t even know he has done anything wrong and when you get home, you will be mad at him and he won’t even know why.”
I thought about that for a minute.
I was nagging about my husband. Not appreciating what God has given to me in this man, even in the good and bad times. I remembered something David had said to me and I told my Aunt Cindi.
I said to her, “I was worried and upset about some things that was really bothering me that needed done and certain things that needed taken care of that I couldn’t do.
He said to me, “Honey, don’t worry about it. I Got Your Back.”
I remembered how I felt when he said that to me. I felt complete release. Completely taken care of. Everything was going to be just fine. My husband is taking care of my concerns.
To have someone say that and mean it and then do it. Wow.
She suggested I tell him what it meant to me when he said that.
I did.
Because I need him to have my back right now. I want him to know, how I feel safe with him.
That I have trust in him to do his best by me. Not the best I think he should be, but his best that he knows how to be.
I don’t hold him up too high, I know we all have faults.
There have been times, I feel like him and I should put on gloves and have at it.
Of course I would “win”… win?
There is a scripture in the Bible that says something about, it is better for a man to sleep on the top of the roof of his house in the rain, then to live in the house with a contentious, nagging wife.
Well that says a lot there, doesn’t it?
But what if the man is the contentious, nagging one sometimes?
Should I go on the roof top in the rain?
He has his moments too.
But regardless of those times, when we don’t have each other’s backs.
I can always count on My God to have mine.
I can trust Him. I can feel safe with Him. I know He will be the best and do the best by me. I can be completely released of any worry because God has my back.
His promises never fail. His compassions are new every morning.
His love is everlasting to everlasting.
For God so loved you so much, that He gave His only Son.
He gave us all the opportunity to accept His Son into our hearts so that we can have a love relationship with Him and be Sons and Daughters of God. So that we can have eternal life with Him in Heaven.
Now that is someone who has your back.
My Sweet Beloved,
I will be Handling all of your problems and concerns today. That’s My job.
Your job is to give them to me and then to trust me.
Have a great day! I’ve got your back!
Love you so much,
Your Heavenly Father
Kim Wenrich
Psalms 139
2 Corinthians 5:17
Have you ever wondered what that means?
I have. Many times I wondered what that means after the first time I heard it a few years ago.
It may mean different things for different people.
It may mean nothing to some, being no one has ever had your back.
It meant nothing to me for a long time. I didn’t know someone could have your back.
I have a past. A very sad one and hurt filled one. Filled with emotional, mental, physical and sexual abuse. Who had my back? All those years, who?
Those who said they loved me, did this abuse to my life.
So who did I trust to have my back?
I only knew two things. There was God. He did in fact love me and I prayed to Him all the time.
During those sad times, I cried a lot. But it was between me and God. No one knew I cried. I didn’t let anyone see my pain, my hurt.
I kept my face emotionless. I gave no one the satisfaction of knowing how they were murdering my heart and crushing my spirit into dried bones.
God knew though. That was enough for me.
I still didn’t know who had my back.
Others told me, how to be worthy of their love.
Others told me, how to think.
Others told me, “You are stupid.” “No one wants you.” “You are worthless.” “Don’t speak, you say stupid things.” ‘You’re ugly.” My rapist said, “You are only good for one thing.”
I believed every word. Told to me daily and nightly.
My insides screamed. But my face was stone.
God did rescue me. He did have my back.
A Knight in Shining Armor came to the aide of this damsel in distress, when I was at the tender age of 19.
My Knight drove a car that was a white mustang.
My knight is my husband today.
I married my Knight in Shining Armor, My Hero, My Rescuer.
For this Princess, God made a fairy tale come true.
God used my husband to show me love, true love, tenderness, romance, kindness and he guided me into a love relationship with God through these actions.
My husband, was patient and tolerant of me. I had to learn to trust. Learn what was a lie and what was the truth. This man said beautiful words to my heart.
He said, “You are worthy.” “You are beautiful.” “I love you.” “I want to keep you.”
He gave me my first candle light dinner. My first movie. My first run in the park, hand and hand. He put flowers in my hair and stared in my eyes. He wrote me poems and sung soft love songs in my ears.
I learned to cry tears of joy. I learned to cry tears of pain and sorrow in front of others.
To laugh out loud, to have an opinion, to love and to trust.
God used this man to help heal my heart. To save my life.
I can honestly say, when it really counted, My husband had my back then.
In between then and now, there was times of real trail and error. Pain and hurt and hard circumstances in our marriage. Even the question, would we get divorced, in some very difficult, hurting times. Times when he stole back my trust and put my love for him to the ultimate test. He didn’t have my back and allowed others to hurt me all over again in mental twisted ways. I fell under the abuse so easily. Being destroyed all over again.
I also knew how to handle these hard times. That was my life experience.
I was a professional at handling those things. I cried in secret, put on the emotionless stone face and screamed inside myself.
I can walk those type of walks.
I never doubted the love though. I had felt it and it had changed me before. I never once thought we would not recover.
There are times God Himself rescued us, as one. It took time…but God worked on the foundation that love built between us.
In has only been in the last couple of years…that I have the husband that I only dreamt was possible.
We are more in love now than ever before. God has made our love brand new, sweet and He matured it. Through the years, we learned together and did a lot of weed pulling from our own hearts, and still do. We continue to learn how to be the husband and wife God has planned for each of us to be to one another.
It is very important to have a strong relationship with God no matter what the circumstances.
God is the best back watcher I have ever known.
It may seem easy to give up. But actually to me, that is the hardest thing to do. So I fight to not give up.
I will never give up on my husband, my God or my faith. I have lost too much in life.
Those things will remain.
I often wondered why in the world did God put us together. I understood that this year, this past summer.
It is because we needed each other. God knew exactly what He was doing.
God had our backs.
He still does.
God is the author of having your back.
He is a Promise Keeper. He is The Healer and Restorer. Teacher and Life Giver.
He gave me the best person in the whole world to watch my back even if at times in my life he wasn‘t, he was a work in progress. God still had it covered.
I also learned how to watch his back.
We are a team. It will soon be 21 years of marriage and 23 years together. Those years has taught us how to be a team. God had our backs.
There has been times of hurting each other’s feelings and hearts. Times of loving. Times of changing. Times of growing. Times of crying and times of laughter. Times apart. Times together. In any of those times when we didn’t have each other’s backs, God had our backs.
Recently I was spending time with my Aunt Cindi and I was fussing about ‘things” concerning my husband. “He didn’t do this.“ “He doesn’t do that.“ “Can you believe he did, blah, blah.“
She turned to me and said, “You know, I feel sorry for him right now…your fussing so much about him right now and he doesn’t even know he has done anything wrong and when you get home, you will be mad at him and he won’t even know why.”
I thought about that for a minute.
I was nagging about my husband. Not appreciating what God has given to me in this man, even in the good and bad times. I remembered something David had said to me and I told my Aunt Cindi.
I said to her, “I was worried and upset about some things that was really bothering me that needed done and certain things that needed taken care of that I couldn’t do.
He said to me, “Honey, don’t worry about it. I Got Your Back.”
I remembered how I felt when he said that to me. I felt complete release. Completely taken care of. Everything was going to be just fine. My husband is taking care of my concerns.
To have someone say that and mean it and then do it. Wow.
She suggested I tell him what it meant to me when he said that.
I did.
Because I need him to have my back right now. I want him to know, how I feel safe with him.
That I have trust in him to do his best by me. Not the best I think he should be, but his best that he knows how to be.
I don’t hold him up too high, I know we all have faults.
There have been times, I feel like him and I should put on gloves and have at it.
Of course I would “win”… win?
There is a scripture in the Bible that says something about, it is better for a man to sleep on the top of the roof of his house in the rain, then to live in the house with a contentious, nagging wife.
Well that says a lot there, doesn’t it?
But what if the man is the contentious, nagging one sometimes?
Should I go on the roof top in the rain?
He has his moments too.
But regardless of those times, when we don’t have each other’s backs.
I can always count on My God to have mine.
I can trust Him. I can feel safe with Him. I know He will be the best and do the best by me. I can be completely released of any worry because God has my back.
His promises never fail. His compassions are new every morning.
His love is everlasting to everlasting.
For God so loved you so much, that He gave His only Son.
He gave us all the opportunity to accept His Son into our hearts so that we can have a love relationship with Him and be Sons and Daughters of God. So that we can have eternal life with Him in Heaven.
Now that is someone who has your back.
My Sweet Beloved,
I will be Handling all of your problems and concerns today. That’s My job.
Your job is to give them to me and then to trust me.
Have a great day! I’ve got your back!
Love you so much,
Your Heavenly Father
Kim Wenrich
Psalms 139
2 Corinthians 5:17
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