“Walking On The Hand Of God”
Recently I got the pleasure to read a book by Leif Enger. It is called Peace Like A River.
My Aunt Cindi gave it to me. She said she came across it and thought of me. She bought and gave it to me.
I scanned the write up on the back of the book. I instantly became very interested and could not wait to dive into the words of this book. This book is a book like I have never read before. It is deep, insightful, thought provoking and the words enter your heart and stir your mind’s eye.
This is not a self help or advice book. It is a Christian fiction novel. I haven’t read the other books he has written yet…but plan to.
I honestly believe this man is inspired by the Holy Spirit to write. Read this book and you will understand, as you read, the depth of the inspiration of his writing. It is captivating.
I want to write a piece from that book that I think of a lot since I have read it.
Pages 16-18
Summary in my own words:
The little boy, has to get up in the night to go to the outhouse. It is cold outside.
His dad, is a praying man. When he prays, he paces, with his eyes closed tight and his hands clenched closed. This particular night, he was praying like he was storming the gates of heaven. The boy goes outside, hears a sound around the corner of the house and feels the need to stand still. He looks around the corner of the house and sees his dad standing in the back of a pick up truck, praying. He watches his dad for sometime. He sees his dad walking the length of the flat bed, back and forth. Wondering how he has not walked off the edge and fallen right to the ground…since his dad’s eyes are shut while he is praying.
Then it happened. He saw his dad walk right off the edge of the truck….The boy wanted to rush out and scream a warning…but something in him, kept him still.
He watched in amazement….he did not fall.
He went on pacing and praying. Walking on air. A yard from the ground. Going out about 30 feet and back. His eyes shut and his prayers like the breath of life. To the boy, it looked like his dad never even knew what was happening.
The boy understood, his dad, was Walking On The Hand Of God.
I think of this and I wonder how many ways have we walked on the Hand of God…without us even realizing it. There is safety in His Hand.
It is clear, in the reality of our lives, our time with God is priceless and protected.
Here is my true story of an account of this in action. Time protected, a kind of, “walking on the hand of God.”
I had guests coming over. I was busy, cleaning, preparing a meal and making things nice for them when they arrived. I prayed for God to bless our time together with joy and good memories. As I finished up preparing for their arrival, I realized, I had not had any precious alone time with My God. I knew they were due to arrive at any moment. I prayed, “God, I did all these things, but I forgot to spend time with you.” “I am going to take that time right now, if you will God, will you protect this time I want with you before they get here?”
Quickly, I got on my knees and had time with my Lord…As soon as I got up, there was a
knock on the door…It was my guests. They bounced in, announcing…”You will never believe what just happened.” “I was at your exit at about 1:00 and all at once traffic stopped.” “I sat there for 2 hours.” She then said, “I told God, Well God, if you want me to sit here, I will just listen to this Christian music station and be content, until I can go again.”
I was astonished. Two hours. I had no clue. That time I had with God, felt like a few minutes. He protected my time with Him….He made her content and at peace as well. God values our time. He wants a personal relationship with us. He wants us to talk to Him. He will work things out for you. You will “Walk on the Hand of God.”
Kim Wenrich
2 Corinthians 5:17
Psalms 139
I write true and inspirational stories about God in my life. All the seasons of my life. I want to encourage you to know how He cares about you and every detail of your life. I pray before I write. I write with gratitude and thanksgiving for such a wonderful God, who loves me and you so very much. He is my life's breath and I am so in love with my God. I want the stories that I write to reflect the love in my heart for Him and you.

Thursday, June 24, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Precious Love Of God
One night, when my son, was 3 years old...My husband and I were getting ready to go to bed. We decided to go in and check on him as he slept.
We went over to his bed and just stared at him.
He looked so cozy and sweet as he slept. He had his favorite Winnie the Pooh and Piglet pillow, his stuffed animal of his choice for the night under his little arm and his favorite blanket covering him. He looked so peaceful and safe as he slept.
We reached out and touched his little cheek and forehead and whispered to one another....
"He is so precious, I love him so much." We both felt tears rise to our eyes as we looked at our precious child.
Then we heard our Lord say to us, "That is how I feel about you."
His voice was so loving and compelling, complete acceptance and unconditional. Nothing required of us to receive that love or to have that moment. Just like our love pouring over our son as he slept, so is Jesus' love for us, all the time. We felt it deep within our very being and the understanding of that love for us.
Tonight when you go to bed, think about that love He has for you. As you lay down, take a moment and see in your mind, Him touching your sweet face softly and whispering to you just how precious you are to Him and how much He loves you. Then fall asleep in that love.
Kim Wenrich
2 Corinthians 5:17Psalms 139
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